The following is a guest post by Elisabeth. Elisabeth enjoys writing and is a regular contributor to


A logo is a vital part of business branding. Its power in aiding your success should never be overlooked nor underestimated. Think about logos of well-known companies, such as Google, McDonalds, Colgate and FedEx. These logos have several things in common.

They are bold yet simple, they incorporate the company name in the design, they use no more than four colors and they contain no images that could be misconstrued or possibly appear offensive. Now, look at your own logo and consider the following five points.

1. Colors

People react to colors in psychological ways. Companies that want to promote a kid-at-heart feeling often use primary colors, as Google does with its multicolored logo. FedEx uses primary colors as well. However, as it uses red and blue lettering on white trucks, the feeling invoked is patriotic or official.

FedEx wants customers to trust the company and uses colors associated with official matters. Imagine if FedEx chose purple and pink, instead. The colors do not change how trustworthy a company really is, but they can have an impact on consumer confidence.

2. Artwork

A logo does not have to be an artwork. The name of the business is often sufficient. When you do choose artwork, make sure it works for you and not against you. If you sell garden supplies, surrounded the lettering with daisy art may work well. Naturally, the same design does not have the right effect if you sell pet supplies. No matter how beautiful the artwork is, it should reflect your company.

Another thing to consider is whether the artwork could be misconstrued as something it is not. This happens easily with designs that are abstract or art that looks different from a distance than it looks up close. From a distance, that abstract maze on your logo could look like a bunch of squiggly worms. Abstract figures holding pool cues could look like they are about to engage in battle. These are just examples, but the point is clear. Look at your logo from all angles, with a fresh mind.

3. Font

The logo font should be easy to read. This does not mean it has to be boring; however, simplicity is usually better than using a beautiful font that no one can easily read.

Like colors, the shape of letters invokes a psychological response. If your business requires a professional, serious logo, avoid fonts that would look at home on a soft drink can or a brand of toy.

4. Shape of the Whole

Whether or not a border surrounds your logo, it has a particular shape. Take a look at this shape. Make sure it invokes a positive or neutral feeling and in no way resembles anything offensive.

5. Stand Out

Your slogan should stand out and not look like another company’s logo. It is possible to create a logo that resembles another by accident. Be careful with this. Not only does it get in the way of your branding, it may make you appear to consumers that you are copying other companies.