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Spring ’23 Product Updates: Unlock the Right Growth Levers to Thrive Through Economic Uncertainty

The threat of rising interest rates and the ongoing economic uncertainty have left businesses reevaluating spends and operating frugally. And, with conscious spending taking over the consumer mindset, customers are now postponing new purchases or subscription renewals unless it’s essential.  While it may be challenging to acquire new customers, it’s not impossible to ride out …

The Murky World of Chargebacks

‘Chargebacks!’ The chiefest and the greatest terror filling phenomenon of online merchants worldwide. If you haven’t heard of chargebacks before and assumed they were just too insignificant to be mentioned, you are gravely mistaken because sooner or later you will have your chargeback horror story to tell. Here’s few things to arm you better against chargebacks.

How social media could help you win the Game of Thrones

Winning the marketing game with social media is all about adding value to your prospects. Whether your goals is to improve customer service, drive traffic or get more sales, the bottom line is that your activities should be related at making the lives of your target prospects easier.

5 Facts About SaaS Businesses Everyone Thinks Are True (But Aren’t)

Honestly, building a successful SaaS business is more of hard work, long nights with coffee and the constant pressure to match up to or outperform competitors. The sad truth is that 80 percent of the successful SaaS startup stories you will hear, you never get the other side of the story. The advantages of a recurring revenue business model are clear. However, is the business model a magic pill to success?

It did what? 10 secrets about content marketing in the world of #SaaS

Content marketing involves more than just creating content for the sake of it. The marketing must be approached in a planned and targeted manner. An in-depth understanding of content marketing strategies and correct implementation is crucial to positive lead generation. Here are 10 major things you should know about content marketing for SaaS.