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Spring ’23 Product Updates: Unlock the Right Growth Levers to Thrive Through Economic Uncertainty

The threat of rising interest rates and the ongoing economic uncertainty have left businesses reevaluating spends and operating frugally. And, with conscious spending taking over the consumer mindset, customers are now postponing new purchases or subscription renewals unless it’s essential.  While it may be challenging to acquire new customers, it’s not impossible to ride out …

5 lessons from Marc Benioff for any SaaS entrepreneur

He has played an important role in inventing Software-as-a-service. He’s flamboyant. He’s larger-than-life. And his Startup faced the dot com crash as soon as it was launched, but with persistence it has become the biggest player in the industry. That bar none, makes him a incredible leader to learn from.

4 ways to keep your customers engaged in Subscription business

PPC campaigns, content marketing, SEO and a dozen other channels are used to acquire customers. Though, the real work begins once the acquisition process is complete, as you’d have to strive hard for retention and ensure that customers are getting a lot more than what they’d signed up for.