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Spring ’23 Product Updates: Unlock the Right Growth Levers to Thrive Through Economic Uncertainty

The threat of rising interest rates and the ongoing economic uncertainty have left businesses reevaluating spends and operating frugally. And, with conscious spending taking over the consumer mindset, customers are now postponing new purchases or subscription renewals unless it’s essential.  While it may be challenging to acquire new customers, it’s not impossible to ride out …

How to make money in the app economy?

It’s official. We’re in the app economy. Apps have come a long way within a span of few years. What are the major revenue models that power the app ecosystem? In any norm, are they different from existing online businesses?

Innovations in Subscription Commerce

‘There’s a way to do it better – find it.’ ~ Thomas Edison. That’s innovation – summed up in eight words. The advent of subscription commerce has empowered entrepreneurs with an ability to change the way things are done, for the better.