Hi there,

Below is a label as seen on a storage box. Does it make you wonder why the storage company decided to make this label? How many times did they face this scenario for them to call this out as a warning?

Earlier this year, there was another incident with Guerilla glue where a lady put glue on her hair to trap flyaways that forced the company to add a disclaimer stating their product is not for the hair. During the pandemic, people had to be told on national television to stop consuming detergent in the hope of killing the virus within their bodies.

 As a business, you spot a problem and figure out a solution. You try all sorts of metrics to understand your customer based on their activities. You expect your solution to cause a lightbulb moment in this customer. But what if your customer has a different colored bulb on their head?

 How sure are you that you and your customer are on the same page about your solution? Are your metrics telling you the truth? Are you even looking at them the right way?  In this Compass, let’s find out!

Are you looking at your numbers the right way?

It’s never about the numbers but about what you make of them.

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7 essential SaaS analytics tools for subscription businesses

Customization is the key to perfecting SaaS analytics

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Citizen Kane, Woolly Bear Caterpillars, and The Search for The Right Metric

If that title didn’t get you, this description wouldn’t either.

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Laura Marino, the CPO of True Accord discusses the mistakes that companies make during the growth stage of their startup, and the importance of proper processes, and hiring the right people for your team.

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