# 3DS Helper
# Overview
As part of the Revised Payment Services Directive(PSD2) regulation, Strong Customer Authentication(SCA) is a new requirement that comes into effect from September 14, 2019. If your business targets European customers, they might have to perform additional authentication while submitting their credit card details.
# 3-D Secure
3-D Secure(3DS) authentication is one reliable way of verifying the customers’ authenticity. 3DS 2.0 is an upgraded version that allows customer device IDs to be sent over to the Issuing Bank to verify their authenticity and provide a frictionless checkout experience. For some reasons and scenarios, the Issuing Bank may deem more proof for validating the transaction. The customer will go through the necessary 3DS verification flows (opens new window) during such cases.
If the issuing bank does not support 3DS 2.0, then the customer would be made to authenticate via 3DS 1.0 (i.e) redirection flow, during which the customer would be taken to a new authentication window and asked to enter a password to verify.
# How to be SCA-ready?
- If you are using Chargebee's Checkout and Self-serve portal (opens new window) for collecting card details, implementing 3DS at the gateway level is enough for you to be ready for SCA.
- If you are using Chargebee's Hosted Components and Fields for collecting card details, check this section on how to support 3DS in your checkout flow.
- If you are collecting raw card details on your own and creating subscriptions/payment sources directly using our APIs, the 3DS Helper module of Chargebee.js helps you to be SCA compliant by taking care of 3DS flows.
# Advantages
- Even though each gateway has its version of JS to support 3DS, our JS is tailor-made for subscription businesses.
- In case you are already collecting card details using a gateway JS, Chargebee.js can co-exist and fit in your flow by handling 3DS authentication alone.
- Chargebee.js accommodates all 3DS-supported gateways in Chargebee. Hence you can route the payment via your preferred gateway for each currency, and perform 3DS flow for the same.