# How to Integrate
# Setting up Chargebee JS
Inserting chargebee.js script in your application
Include the following script in your HTML page. You need to do this only once per page.
<script src="https://js.chargebee.com/v2/chargebee.js"></script>
Initializing a Chargebee instance
Inside your JavaScript code, initialize Chargebee with the publishable key (opens new window) once the page is loaded and get 'chargebee instance' object. This object is used further to create components.
var cbInstance = Chargebee.init({
site: "site-name", // your test site
domain: "https://mybilling.acme.com" // this is an optional parameter.
publishableKey: "test__"
# Integrating Components
Following are the modes of integration for card components supported by Chargebee.js:
- Default mode
- Fields mode
Learn more about components and fields.
# Using card component in the Default mode
Adding HTML
Create a container element in your HTML to mount the Component. For Angular, Vue and React, use the respective Components provided by us.
- jQuery
- vue
- angular
- react

Adding JavaScript
You need to write JavaScript code to mount Chargebee Components and for tokenization(getting Chargebee's temp token (opens new window))
For Angular, React and Vue, Chargebee JS wrappers would automatically mount the Components. For other types of integrations, you need to manually mount them.Tokenizing
- jQuery
- vue
- angular
- react

# Using card component in the Fields mode
Adding HTML
Create container elements in your HTML to mount Chargebee components. For Angular, Vue and React, the corresponding wrappers (opens new window) will create the container elements for you.
- jQuery
- vue
- angular
- react

Adding JavaScript
You need to write JavaScript code to mount all fields and for tokenization(getting Chargebee's temp token)
For Angular, React and Vue, Chargebee js wrappers (opens new window) would automatically mount the component. For other types of integrations, you need to manually mount the component.Tokenizing
- jQuery
- vue
- angular
- react

# Processing Payments
Payments can be processed using card components and fields in two ways:
- Tokenization
- 3D Secure
Learn more about tokenization and 3D Secure workflows.
# Tokenization
To perform tokenization, enter card details and initiate tokenization using tokenize
. Create a subscription (opens new window) using the Chargebee token returned by tokenize
# Using 3D Secure
To Perform 3D-Secure authorization, create a paymentIntent
on the server-side and then pass the created paymentIntent to authorizeWith3ds
function. Components & Fields internally uses the tokenize
function to perform tokenization and then 3DS Helper Module to perform 3DS authorization.
The authorized paymentIntent
can then be used to create a subscription (opens new window), create a payment source (opens new window), etc.
$("#payment").on("submit", function(event) {
// Perform 3D Secure authorization
cardComponent.authorizeWith3ds(paymentIntent, additionalData, callbacks).then(paymentIntent => {
// Send ajax call to create a subscription or to create a card payment source using the paymentIntent ID
}).catch(error => {