
Chargebee Retention Glossary 

Cancel Experience

Chargebee Retention - Page that redirects a cancelling customer through the Chargebee Retention (Exit Flow/Offboarding Flow/Cancellation Experience) to view Loss Aversion Cards, gather reasons from the Reason Survey, collect competitors to watch, and capture sentiment upon cancellation.

Design Elements 

Accent Color - The primary brand color presented on the Cancel Page

Font Color - The text color for the Cancel Page

Font - The font for the text used on the Cancel Page

Logo - The logo showcased at the top of the Cancel Page

Headline - Line of text just below the logo on the Cancel Page

Loss Aversion Cards - The two cards at the top of the Cancel Page to show customers what they'll miss when they cancel. Loss Aversion Cards can show account activity, features, personal messages, social proof, invitations for engagement, or freeform images.

Upper Plea - The button below the Loss Aversion Cards that navigates customers away from the Cancel Page.

Reason Survey - Survey on Cancel Page that collects Reason for cancellation.

  • Category - Groupings for different Reasons like Pricing, Company, Execution, Product, Customer Experience, Needs, and Shipping and Handling. Results are reflected in the Insights Report.

  • Pricing: The cost of your product, finding value in the product

  • Company: Company has been acquired, staff changeover or layoffs, downsizing projects or teams, or company gone out of business

  • Execution: Not enough time, not getting buy in from the team, lack of skills or internal resources on their end

  • Product: Missing features, usability issues, reliability concerns, and competitor losses

  • Customer Experience: Poor customer support experiences, inadequate onboarding, lack of continued support.

  • Needs: Seasonal businesses, unclear on what product did before purchase, change in strategy on tool specific initiative(like a project ending), incorrect product/market fit, has an in-house solution

  • Shipping and Handling: Relevant to eCommerce, product, and food subscriptions. Encompasses issues with shipping or delivery of goods.

  • Reason - The customer facing choice for why they choose to cancel. Reasons are based on Categories, but customized for the business. Results are reflected on the Insights Report.

Competitor Pulse - Survey on Cancel Page that collects which competitors cancelling customers choose.

Return Likelihood - Survey on Cancel Page that captures cancelling customer's sentiment at time of departure on how likely they are to return.

Comment - Freeform notes cancelling customers can opt to share any final thoughts with the business.

Lower Plea - Checkbox item at the close of the Cancel Page survey that confirms the customer fully understands the loss that comes with canceling their account.

Cancel Confirmation - Modal that confirms customer fully understands the repercussions of canceling their account, including loss of data or inability to reactivate account.


Modals - Pop-up windows that present Offers on the Chargebee Retention Cancel Page.

Action - The action the customer takes when accepting an offer. Available options include link, send email, send email instantly, and start a chat.

  • Link - Action directs customer to any external URL. Customers will often pass a custom offer URL to trigger the subscription update, or will chose to link to things like calendar pages to schedule calls, knowledge base articles for setup guides, or customer case studies.

  • Send email - Opens a modal for your customer to compose an email message to your success team, product manager, customer support, or anyone else to handle the offer.

  • Send email instantly - Triggers an instant email message to your success team, product manager, customer support, or anyone else to handle the offer.

  • Start a chat - Starts a chat through our Intercom integration.


Chargebee Retention Installation Code - The Javascript snippet that embeds the Chargebee Retention Cancel Page to the cancel button of a website or app, and pulls in data for reporting and personalizing Chargebee Retention Experiences

Fields - Data captured in the Chargebee Retention Installation Code Javascript snippet that can be used for personalizing Chargebee Retention Experiences, Offers, and Loss Aversion Cards.


Alerts - Notifications by Slack or Email based on Chargebee Retention Events. Events include Viewed cancel page, Deflected, Canceled, Sent an Email, Followed a link, Initiated a chat, Accepted an offer, and Saved. All Events are also available as webhooks.

  • Deflected: Customers that do not cancel after landing on the Chargebee Retention Cancel Page.

  • Canceled: A Customer that lands on the Chargebee Retention Cancel Page and proceeds to cancel.

  • Sent an email: Composes an email message after it's presented in Offer Modal

  • Followed a link: Clicks on URL link presented in Offer Modal

  • Initiated a chat: Starts a chat via our Intercom integration

  • Accepted an offer: Customers deflected by an Offer with the specific Confirm Offer action presented.

  • Saved: Customers that hit the Chargebee Retention Cancel Page 30 days prior and never canceled their account. Customers that cancel after the 30 days may still be included on this report.

Teammates - Members on your team that have access to log into your Chargebee Retention App, the Reports and Settings. Teammates can only be added, not deleted, so add Teammates thoughtfully. We have no limitations on the number of Teammates you can add to your Chargebee Retention account.

Field Mappings - Section in Settings where you can map Fields brought in through the Chargebee Retention Installation Code or from Salesforce into the Chargebee Retention App so that they can be used to create dimensions, expose in reports, and leverage for personalization of the cancel page.

Fields - Information about your customer brought in using the Chargebee Retention Installation Code or via Salesforce. Fields can be customized to bring in any data you wish, and used to personalize the Cancel Experience.

  • Default Fields: Default Fields are the Fields required for Chargebee Retention to operate, and include:

  • app ID - Your company's unique ID. How Chargebee Retention identifies what company's cancel page to show.

  • First Name - The canceling customer's first name.

  • Last Name - The canceling customer's last name.

  • Email - The canceling customer's email address.

  • Internal ID - your Customer's user ID as it connects to your system so Chargebee Retention can track, grant offers, or complete the cancel.

  • Saved Return URL - where the customer lands after accepting an offer and

  • Cancel Return URL(where the customer lands after completing a Cancel)

  • Standard Fields: These fields are optional, but popular fields to use in the Chargebee Retention Installation code that doesn't require any custom work on our end.

  • Company Name - The canceling company's name.

  • Billing Term - Whether a customer is annual or monthly

  • Sub start date - When the a subscription started for calculating account age

  • Plan - What plan a customer is on, like Freemium, Standard, or Enterprise

  • Billing ID - Used to identify Customer if using a Chargebee Retention-supported billing system like Stripe or Recurly or Chargebee or Recharge

  • Custom Fields: Fields unique to your business that further personalize the Cancel Experience. Examples of good potential Custom Fields include different products, brands, or customer types.


Timeframe Picker - Dropdown that selects range of time to view all Reports.

Date Range - Date picker for Custom option in Timeframe Picker, or showcases dates selected from time frame indicated in the Timeframe Picker dropdown.


  • Passive Deflection - Customer lands on the Chargebee Retention Cancel Page and does not cancel either by hitting Nevermind or clicking the back button on the browser.

  • Active Deflection - Customer lands on the Chargebee Retention Cancel Page and does not cancel by accepting an offer.


Watch list - Customers that land on the Chargebee Retention Cancel Page but do not complete the cancel process. Customers stay on the Watch list for 30 days after hitting the Cancel Page.

Saved - A customer that has not canceled after 30 days on the watch list.

Deflected - Customers that do not cancel after landing on the Chargebee Retention Cancel Page. We apply a 30 minute buffer after hitting the Cancel page Deflected includes both Saved and Watch list customers.

Cancel - A Customer that lands on the Chargebee Retention Cancel Page and proceeds to cancel, or cancels through another medium after viewing the Cancel Page.

At Risk - Customers on the Watch list.

Cancel Reasons - Reason Customer selected in the Reason Survey on the Cancel Page at when canceling.

Save Performance - A weighted average of Save performance taken over 30 days. Save Rate calculates the weighted average from 30 days before the specified day. The Save Rate presented is the Save Rate for the last day on the chart.

Churned - Canceled customers for the time period selected in the Timeframe Picker.

Insights Report 

Reasons - The customer facing option for why they choose to cancel on the Cancel Page survey. Reasons are based on Categories, but customized for the business.

Categories - Broader umbrella of groupings for different Reasons on the Cancel Page Reason survey like Pricing, Company, Execution, Product, Customer Experience, Needs, and Shipping and Handling.

Save Rate - The % of customers that hit your cancel page, selected a Cancel Reason, but did not cancel as a result of accepting an offer from that Cancel Reason.

The Trends report shows the overall volume of Canceled or Saved accounts over time.

Drilldown list: Customer List that expands by clicking any cohort in the Trends or Insights Report. List shows all customers included in cohort

  • Date - The date the customer canceled their account.

  • Customer - The end user that lands on the Cancel Page.

  • Customer ID - The internal ID used to identify a customer's account.

  • Email - The email address affiliated with your customer's account.

  • Value - Monthly recurring revenue gained or lost from that customer's account

  • Events - The number of times your customer lands on the Cancel Page.

  • Return Likelihood - The result of the Return Likelihood Survey on the Cancel Page.

  • Competitor - Identified Competitor listed in the Competitor Pulse survey on the Cancel Page.

  • Reason - Other - The Comments listed by canceling Customer when Other is selected as the Cancel Reason.

  • Comments - Any Freeform Comments as listed by the Customer on the Cancel Page.

Export - Downloads data from Drilldown list as a CSV.

Expand - Extends the Drilldown list to display more Customers.

Collapse - Reduces the Drilldown list to reveal the Trends Report chart.

Close - Removes the Drilldown list from the Trends Report screen.

Display - Showcases the selected cohort in the Drilldown list.

Cancels - Number of Canceled Customers included in that specific Drilldown list.

Saves - Number of Saved Customers included in the specific Drilldown list.

  • Canceled - Customers that hit the Cancel Page and complete cancellation.

  • Categories - Breaks down cancel volume by the broad umbrella for different Reasons on the Cancel Page Reason survey like Pricing, Company, Execution, Product, Customer Experience, Needs, and Shipping and Handling.

  • Reasons - Breaks down the cancel volume by the customer facing Reason for why they choose to cancel on the Cancel Page survey. Reasons are based on Categories, but customized for the business.

  • Competitor - Breaks down cancel volume by Competitor listed in the Competitor Pulse survey on the Cancel Page.

  • Return Likelihood - Breaks down cancel volume the results of the Return Likelihood Survey on the Cancel Page.

  • Commented - Only shows Customers that added comments

  • Saved - Customers that do not cancel within 30 days of viewing the Cancel Page. Customers that cancel after the 30 days may still be included in these charts.

  • Categories - Captures what Category the customer accepted an offer from resulting in a Save, like Pricing, Company, Execution, Product, Customer Experience, Needs, and Shipping and Handling.

  • Reasons - Captures the customer facing Reason that presented an Offer they accepted on the Cancel Page survey resulting in a Save. Reasons are based on Categories, but customized for the business.

  • Last Action - Captures the Action the customer took accepting an Offer, like clicking a link, composing an email, confirming an offer, or starting a chat.


  • All - Total list of customers that have hit the cancel page.

  • Canceled - Customers that hit the Cancel Page and complete cancellation.

  • Saved - Customers that do not cancel within 30 days of viewing the Cancel Page. Customers that cancel after the 30 days may still be included on this list.

  • Watch list - Customers that hit the Cancel Page but do not complete cancellation. Watchlist customers click Nevermind, accept an Offer, or click the back button on their browser and remain on the Watchlist for 30 days. After 30 days, these customers move to Saved.

List Column Settings: The gear to add or remove columns from your Customer Report

  • Outcome Date - The date of the Event calculated, either Cancel, Save, or when they viewed the Cancel Page for Watchlist Customers.

  • Customer - The Name of the customer that hit the Cancel Page.

  • Status - Shows current status of customer account, whether they have been Saved, Canceled, or on the watchlist.

  • Email - Email address of Customer that hit the Cancel Page.

  • Customer ID - The internal ID captured by the Chargebee Retention Installation Code of the Customer who hit the Cancel Page.

  • Age - How long the customer has been a customer.

  • Reason - The customer facing choice for why they choose to cancel.

  • Reason- Other - The Comments listed by canceling Customer when Other is selected as the Cancel Reason.

  • Chargebee Retention Category - Broad umbrella of groupings for different Reasons like Pricing, Company, Execution, Product, Customer Experience, Needs, and Shipping and Handling.

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