
Receivables Tech Glossary 

Use this glossary to know about business and technology terms associated with Chargebee Receivables.

Account Receivables Keyword 

Terminology Description
Customer End-users who have signed up with a merchant for services or products and in return owe them money.
Invoice Invoice is a document issued by the business to its customer specifying the services and/or products sold to them.
Credit Notes Credit note is a document sent by a merchant to the customer, notifying that a credit has been provided to their account.
Issue An issue is a kind of dispute raised by a customer for non-payment of the invoices.
Outstanding Total amount that customers owe to the company.
Overdue Total amount overdue from invoices, debit notes, etc. which have passed their due date.
Net Overdue Total amount from overdue invoices minus unutilised credits.
Unutilised Credits Total credit amount not adjusted against the invoices.
Unaccounted Payment The total payment amount that is not adjusted against the invoices.
Promise to Pay(PTP) Amount The total amount which customers has promised to pay on a future date.
Issue Amount The total amount in issues raised by the customers.
Open Invoices/Debits The total amount from all open invoices and debits.
Ageing Buckets When an invoice becomes overdue, it can be categorised into different buckets based on the number of days it has been overdue. For example, 0-30, 31-60, 61-90, and so on.

Receivables Website 

Terminology Description
Auto Engagement Receivables Auto Engagement is an automation tool used for sending payment reminders to your customers based on simple to complex business rules.
Collector Queue Collector Queue is a CRM tool for managing customer issues, promise to pay, and email replies.
Cases Tickets assigned to AR users in the Collector Queue. It can be email, response, issues, and follow ups.
Follow-up A follow-up case is created in Collector Queue when a user sets a reminder or is assigned by other team members.
Notes A note is used to record an activity related to customers or invoices. A user can take notes at the customer or invoice level.
Summary Users can write a summary to describe the collection status of the customer for managerial review.
Collection Status Indicates the current status of collection related activities performed by collectors and customers over a period of time. A collection status can have multiple sub status and associated turnaround time(TAT).
AR Analytics An insightful dashboard for the leadership team to measure and track the AR health of the business.
AR Reports Receivables has multiple reports to track AR, team performance and collection activities associated with the customers and invoices.
Customer View A customer level view to view each customer's AR and collection-related information such as, outstanding, last contacted date, overdue, and so on.
Transaction View(All) A transaction-level view that lists all the transactions across the customers. It has invoice/transaction-level information like due date, balance, payment status, and so on.
Transaction View(Open) A transaction view(open) lists only transactions across the customers. It also has invoice/transaction-level information like due date, balance, and so on.
Custom Fields Custom fields can be used to track collection information, customer data, or finance information. Receivables provide an option to create custom fields at customer and document level.
Email and SMS Reminder Users can either manually or automatically send payment reminders to their customers open or overdue invoices or send account statement using the same functionality.
Contacts Includes customer's contacts grouped by some level of escalations, who receives email and SMS reminders.
What's New Notification Any new feature, enhancement or bug fix can be seen from the What's New notification centre.

Receivables UI 

Terminology Description
Grid View The reports in Receivables View and Reports are presented in the form of a grid view that can be customised at certain level.
Advance Filter All of Receivables Views and Reports in the web interface are fully equipped with quick and advanced filter options to filter the data.
Column Chooser All of Receivables Views and Reports in the web interface are equipped with column choose to select the columns as per the business requirement.
Top Metrics Bar Most of the Receivables Views come with a top bar which displays the imported AR metrics of the business.
Save View Most of the Receivables Views and Reports comes with a Save View feature which lets you save a custom view/report for later use. A saved report can also be provided to other users in the team.
Email Reports All of the Receivables Views and Reports come with an Email Report option that allows you email the report to your registered email address.
Bulk Actions Bulk actions in Receivables is a great way to perform an action on multiple customers or invoices/documents in a single click.

AR Analytics and Reports 

Terminology Description
Overdue Composition The overdue composition displays the percentage of the total outstanding which is currently overdue for the selected data in analytics.
90+AR Percentage Signifies what percentage of Outstanding is in 90+ ageing buckets at any level depending on the item clicked.
Average Credit Period Signifies what percentage of Outstanding is in 90+ ageing buckets at any level depending on the item clicked.
Average Due Days The average due days is the number of days past the due date for which invoice is still unpaid.
Daily Sales Outstanding A DSO trend in analytics measures the average number of days it takes businesses to collect payment for products and services sold. It measures the collection performance and health of business' cash flow.
AR Master(all entries) A report which allows you to slice & dice the receivable data based on your business needs. For example, Group by Business Unit > Customer > Transactions.
AR Master(Open Data) Same as AR master(all) but with open data only.
Cash Projection-Due Date A report for CFOs and finance leaders to analyze the cash projection based on the due date of the invoice.
Cash Projection-PTP A report for CFOs and finance leaders to analyze the cash projection based on the PTP date given by the customer.
Collection Review Report-Customer Wise A report for AR Head to view each customer's receivables data, and analyse where is the money stuck and why.
Collection Review Report- Invoice Wise A report to help you analyse the collection data at the invoice level.
User Performance Report A report for the collections manager to review the collection activities of the collectors and other users in the system.
Case Report The case report lists out all the cases along with the properties created in the system. The report is equipped with filters to customize the view of the report.
Client Engagement-Email Report A report for collectors to analyse how their customers are interacting with the email reminders.

Settings & User Management 

Terminology Description
Organization Heirarchy Organization hierarchy allows you to create a role-wise reporting structure. For example, collectors reports to AR Head, AR Head reports to CFO.
Users Users are the team members with specific roles and permissions in Receivables. You can invite users in your account and assign them roles and permissions.
Roles A role defines the designation of the user in the organisation.
Visibility Using visibility, users can access data based on customers assigned to them or on the basis of business unit, location, and reportee.
Permissions Permissions are associated with a role that allows users to access certain features and perform the collection related activities in Receivables.
Templates The templates in Receivables provide a ready-made structure of email and SMS reminders. It is useful when you want to send the same message to multiple customers.
Template variables Template variables are predefined values in Receivables. It allows you to add the additional information related to customer or invoice/transactions in the email and SMS template while sending the reminder.
User Profiles User can configure his profile with details like full name, profile picture, email signature, change password, and so on.
Company Profile Admin can configure the company's profile with details like company name, logo, signature, timezone, and so on.
Account Statement An account statement displays customers' account payables, and financial information such as due invoices, balance, and so on. Admin can configure the account statement when customers download it from the email reminder or client portal.
Ledger Statement A ledger is an essential document for your business to keep track of all financial transactions involved in the business collection process. Admin can configure the ledger statement when customers download it from the email reminder or client portal.
Reminder Invoice List Admin can configure which columns will be visible in the invoice list in the email reminder.
Single Sign-On(SSO) Admin can configure whether a user should login into the Receivables using a password or google sign-in.

Data Privacy and Security 

Terminology Description
EU-GDPR General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Data Protection Directive and raises the bar in personal data protection for EU individuals.
Consent Management Chargebee's Consent Management feature gives you powerful ways to capture consent from your customers and manage collected consent information.
Personal Data Management Personal Data Management helps you align Chargebee with your customer data retention policies.
Compliance Certificates The certificates and reports detailing Chargebee's adherence to data security and regular audits are available for download in your Chargebee application.
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