
Starter Churn Insights 

We have introduced a new Chargebee Retention product, Starter Churn Insights, for merchants looking to better understand customer churn as they seek to reach product-market fit or scale their business.

Why Starter Churn Insights 

Starter Churn Insights is a personalized cancel experience for merchants who want to start capturing churn insights at the moment of cancellation, but may not be ready to invest in a full churn deflection initiative. Typically, these customers have lower cancel volumes and do not have any offers in their existing cancel flow.

Customers ready to test offers should look at the Chargebee Retention Churn Deflection product. Go to the Deflection Getting Started article for more details.

Who Starter Churn Insights is for 

Starter Churn Insights is available as a free product for Chargebee Billing customers and is intended to replace the Chargebee Self Serve Portal cancel flow or the merchant's existing cancel flow. You will have access to 30 days of cancel insights and trends, deflection funnel, and customers report to get a list of customers who were presented with the Retention cancel page. A paid version Starter Churn Insights Premium (coming soon) will allow you to access the full reporting data history.

How to get started with Starter Churn Insights 

To get started with Starter Churn Insights, log in to the Chargebee Billing app and select the Retention link on the left navigation bar.

Select the appropriate Retention product for your needs - Starter Churn Insights or Churn Deflection. On the Starter Churn Insights overview page, click the Start free subscription button to use the product.

You will be directed to the Starter Churn Insights sign up and onboarding flow which will help you set up your Chargebee Retention cancel page and integrate with your website.

Reports on the Dashboard and other tabs will be populated with demo data to highlight the cancel insights that will be available once you set up Starter Churn Insights. Click the Get Started tab to set up Starter Churn Insights. You will automatically be integrated with Chargebee Billing for cancel processing, meaning cancels that happen through the Chargebee Retention cancel page will be reflected in Chargebee Billing. Go to step 2 to create your cancel page.

In the page editor, set up your branding for the cancel page to match your website's look and feel. You can configure the cancel page content and feedback you wish to collect from your customers.

To set up cancel reasons, click the edit icon under the Survey questions section. You can select from a list of predefined cancel reasons and customize the cancel reason text to show to your customers. The cancel reasons you configure will be used for the cancel insights shown on the Dashboard and other reports.

After setting up your cancel page, you will be presented with key settings to review before you go live with Starter Churn Insights. For customers using Chargebee Self Serve Portal, click the link under the Technical Installation section to enable the Self Serve Portal and Starter Churn Insights integration.

You will be directed to the Checkout & Self-Serve Portal settings for your Chargebee Billing site. Toggle on the "Enable Cancellation via Chargebee Retention" setting when you ready to go live. This will direct your customers who click the cancel button on the Chargebee Self Serve Portal to the Chargebee Retention cancel page.

Review the remaining settings and click Launch experience when you are ready to process cancels through Chargebee Retention. After clicking Launch, you will no longer have access to the Get Started page and demo data in the reports.

Upgrading your Starter Churn Insights free plan 

Customers who want access to full reporting data history or are ready to test offers can upgrade to another Chargebee Retention product. Within the Retention app, click the Upgrade link to view available plans.

Starter Churn Insights Premium will provide access to the full reporting data history, revenue reporting, and saves. This product is not yet available. If you are interested in this product, click the "I'm interested" button. A Chargebee representative will contact you about Starter Churn Insights Premium.

To test offers using the Churn Deflection product, click the "Start 30 day trial" button. You will have free access to Deflection for 30 days to set up and test offers in your cancel page. Click here for more information on how to set up Deflection after upgrading from Starter.

Starter Churn Insights is currently only available upon request. If you want to enable this product or have any questions about Starter Churn Insights or Churn Deflection, please contact

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