Receivables allows you to implement business functions and automate the entire customer engagement process by adding multiple rules in an engagement cycle. It enables you to schedule automatic email reminders for your customers based on specific engagement rules. Receivables have defined various engagement rules for creating engagement cycles and scheduling automatic email reminders for your customers. You can add engagement rules both at a cycle level and a reminder level.
Auto Engagement rules are categorized into three categories. You can define cycle rules by selecting any of the following rule categories:
To add cycle rules at the customer level, select a cycle from the Auto Engagement Cycles page and click + ADD RULES > Customer tab at the top of the Set Up Auto Engagement Rules window. You can define a rule by selecting a specific rule from any of the fields given under General, Amount, and Custom Fields subcategories. Select an appropriate operator and the value for the specified rule and click + icon to add the rule. Once you have defined the rules, click Save.
The table below lists the Customer level rules defined under the General, Amount, and Custom Fields subcategories:
Rules | Operator | Example |
Outstanding | <, >, =, !=, between | Outstanding is greater than USD 1,000. |
Overdue | <, >, =, !=, between | Overdue Amount is greater than USD 1,000. |
Net Overdue | <, >, =, !=, between | Net Overdue Amount is greater than USD 1,000. |
Open Debits | <, >, =, !=, between | Open Invoice Amount is greater than USD 1,000. |
Unaccounted Payment | <, >, =, !=, between | Unaccounted Payment is greater than 0. |
Unutilisted Credit | <, >, =, !=, between | Unutilised Credit is greater than 0. |
Ageing Bucket(eg. 1-30) | <, >, =, !=, between | Ageing for bucket 1-30 is greater than USD 5,000. |
Open Issue Amount | <, >, =, !=, between | Open issue/dispute amount is equal to 0. |
Open P2P Amount | <, >, =, !=, between | Customer promise to pay amount is greater than USD 2,000. |
Last Email Date | <, >, =, !=, between | Last Email Date is 30 days ago. |
Last Reply Date | <, >, =, !=, between | Last Reply Date is 30 days ago. |
Next P2P Date | <, >, =, !=, between | Customer has an upcoming P2P Date in next 7 days. |
Finance Owner | includes, excludes | Finance Owner includes "Username". |
Sales Owner | includes, excludes | Sales Owner includes "Username". |
Outstanding Mismatch | Yes,No | Customers who do not have outstanding mismatch between Billing & Receivables system. |
To add cycle rules at the invoice level, select a cycle from the Auto Engagement Cycles page and click + ADD RULES > Document tab at the top of the Set Up Auto Engagement Rules window. You can define Invoice level rules by selecting a rule from any of the fields under General, Date, Amount, and Custom Fields subcategories. Select an appropriate operator and value for the specified rule and click + icon to add the rule. Once you have defined the rules, click Save.
The table below lists the Invoice level rules defined under the General, Date, Amount, and Custom Fields subcategories:
Rules | Operator | Example |
Amount | <, >, =, !=, between | Invoice original amount is greater than USD 1,000. |
Balance | <, >, =, !=, between | Invoice Pending Balance is greater than USD 500 |
Converted Amount | <, >, =, !=, between | Invoice original amount in company's base currency is greater than USD 1,000. |
Converted Balance | <, >, =, !=, between | Invoice pending balance in company's base currency is greater than USD 500. |
Open Issue Amount | <, >, =, !=, between | Invoice Open Issue Amount is equal to 0. |
Open P2P Amount | <, >, =, !=, between | Invoice Open P2P Amount is greater than 0. |
Document Date | <, >, =, !=, between | Invoice date is 30 days ago. |
Due Date | <, >, =, !=, between | Invoice due date is 30 days ago. |
Posting Date | <, >, =, !=, between | Invoice posting date is 30 days ago. |
P2P Date | <, >, =, !=, between | Invoice P2P Date is in next 7 days. |
Open P2P Amount | <, >, =, !=, between | Customer promise to pay amount is greater than USD 2,000. |
Last Email Date | <, >, =, !=, between | Invoice was last emailed 30 days ago. |
Last Reply Date | <, >, =, !=, between | Invoice was last replied 30 days ago. |
Transaction Type | includes, excludes | Transaction type os credit or debit. |
Document Type | includes, excludes | Document Type includes Invoice & Debit Note. |
Currency | includes, excludes | Invoice Currency includes USD. |
Location | includes, excludes | Invoice Location includes New Delhi. |
Business Unit | includes, excludes | Invoice Business includes retail outlets. |
Has P2P Date | Yes,No | Invoice has P2P Date. |
Disputed | Yes,No | Invoice is not disputed. |
Paid | Yes,No | Invoice is not paid. |
Custom Field | Depends on data type of custom field | User can configure rules on custom fields coming from billing system at invoice level. |
Send automatic emails related to payment failure to keep customers informed about the issues with their payments made for the invoices. The payment level rules are applicable to all types of payment methods that the customer has chosen to pay for the invoices. To add payment level rules, select a cycle from the Auto Engagement Cycles page and click + ADD RULES > Payments tab at the top of the Set Up Auto Engagement Rules window.
You can define Payment level rules by selecting a specific rule from the fields given under Last Attempted Payment, Payment Methods, Payment Terms, and Email Engagement subcategories. Select an appropriate operator and value for the selected rule and click + icon to add the rule. Once you have defined the rules, click Save.
The table below lists the Payment level rules defined under the Last Attempted Payment, Payment Methods, Payment Terms, and Email Engagement subcategories:
Rules | Operator | Example |
Last Attempted Payment Date | Current Month, Last 7 Days, Last 15 Days, Last 30 Days, Custom | Last Attempted Payment Date is last 7 Days. |
Last Attempted Payment Status | All, Success, Failure, Voided, In Progress, Timeout | Last Attempted Payment Status is Success. |
Last Attempted Payment Amount | greater than, lesser than, in between, equal to, not equal to | Last Attempted Payment Amount is greater than USD 1,000. |
Last Attempted Payment Method | None, All, Cash, Card, Cheque, Chargeback | Last Attempted Payment Method is Cash. |
Last Attempted Payment Failure Error | Based on the defined scnerios. | Last Attempted Payment Failure is Insufficient funds. |
Last Payment Gateway Used | All Payment Gateway supported by Chargebee. Learn more | Unaccounted Payment is greater than 0. |
Dunning Status of Last Attempted Payment | In Progress, Exhausted, Stopped, Success | Dunning Status of Last Attempted Payment is Exhausted. |
Count of Payment Attempts | greater than, lesser than, in between, equal to, not equal to | Retries Elapsed is greater than 1000. |
Next Scheduled Retry | Current Month, Last 7 Days, Last 15 Days, Last 30 Days, Custom | Next Scheduled Retry Date is last 7 Days. |
Primary Payment Method | None, All, Cash, Card, Cheque, Chargeback | Primary Payment Method is Cash. |
Backup Payment Method | None, All, Cash, Card, Cheque, Chargeback | Backup Payment Method is Card. |
Masked Credit Card Numbers | Credit Card same as Last Update and Not Updated | Primary Credit Card same as Last Updated. |
Auto Collection | On, Off | Auto Collection is On. |
Net Term Days | greater than, lesser than, in between, equal to, not equal to | Net Term Days is greater than USD 1,000. |
Payment Risk | High, Medium, Low | Payment Risk is High. |
Payment Source Status | Valid, Invalid, Expiring, Expired | Payment Source Status is Valid. |
Monthly DSO (Days) | greater than, lesser than, in between, equal to, not equal to | Monthly DSO (Days) is greater than USD 1,000. |
Average Payment Attempts | greater than, lesser than, in between, equal to, not equal to | Average Payment Attempts Per Invoice is greater than USD 1,000. |
Subscription Status | Future, In-trial, Active, Canceled, Paused, Non-renewing | Subscription Status is Active. |
Last Email | Last Email Sent, Last Email not Sent | Last Email Date is before last 7 Days. |
Last Reply Date | Last Reply Received, Last Reply Not Received | Last Reply Date is before last 7 Days. |