
Chargebee Retention Billing Integrations 

Billing is core to your subscription retention strategy and we have made it core to Chargebee Retention as well. Our Billing Integrations with Stripe, Recurly, and Chargebee support a range of functionality that is core to the Chargebee Retention use case of automating the cancel funnel. We have broken down our Billing Integration into four key use cases:

  • Attribution
  • Enrichment
  • Offer Management
  • Cancel Management
  • Retained Revenue Reporting

Each of these forms the building blocks of an integrated cancel experience that can be measured and optimized on a cohort by cohort basis. For more on how to configure our specific billing integrations, view the following links:

Once you have integrated, you can enable each of the supported integration features on the Settings > Setup tab.

Data Enrichment

Getting the right data into Chargebee Retention is critical to your ability to optimize the customer retention journey. Chargebee Retention's Data Enrichment feature allows you to pull fields from your billing system such as Name, Plan Type, Term, Contract Value, etc. into Chargebee Retention. These fields can be used to personalize the Cancel Experience, define Audiences, or for inclusion in a custom ML model. This article covers how to setup Billing Enrichment in detail.


Chargebee Retention's Attribution integrates connects to your billing systems to validate that Saved customers are in fact still active paying customers. In this process, we also pull back the revenue values associated with saves, watch lists and canceled customers and apply these values in Chargebee Retention Reporting. Deflecting a customer is not enough, we want to ensure that that customer is an active subscriber who continues to repurchase your product or service. This Save Validation and Revenue Attribution process is core to our billing integrations and is currently available for Stripe, Recurly or Chargebee Billing customers.

Cancel Management

Integrating Chargebee Retention requires you to be able to update subscription records to process the results of your cancel sessions. Chargebee Retention integrates directly with Stripe, Recurly and Chargebee to process cancels without any additional engineering effort required. This allows customers to directly connect their billing system and start processing cancels instead of having to do so via webhook, redirect URL, or email. If you are a Stripe, Recurly, or Chargebee Billing customer and need help configuring Cancel Management, review this help doc.

Offer Management

A core component of maximizing the impact of Chargebee Retention is the ability to test multiple types of Offers in the Cancel Experience. With Chargebee Retention's Offer Management integration, you can link your Discount, Pause, Extention, and Plan Change offers directly from Chargebee Retention to Stripe, Recurly, or Chargebee Billing. Doing so will allow you to process updates to your subscription records automatically. Gone are the days of having to wait in line for Engineering to implement a new Pause offer or Discount code. You can configure all of this in Chargebee Retention and your billing system directly without writing any code. For more on Offer Management, review this help doc.

Retained Revenue Reporting & Cohorts

The core value of Chargebee Retention is increasing your subscriber LTV by driving retained revenue after a customer visits the Cancel Page. To measure this impact, we track retained revenue on a cohort basis to determine which Offers and Pages are retaining the most customers. We surface these metrics across your Experience Performance, Offer Performance and Retained Revenue Cohort Report as well as on the dashboard. For more on Retained Revenue reporting, visit our help doc.

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