
Essentials Trial FAQ 

Welcome to your Essentials Trial of Chargebee Retention! We are excited to have you, and hope we convince you that it is worth becoming a customer of Chargebee Retention after a successful trial. This doc will help answer some key questions that come up often from Trialers of Chargebee Retention. Please refer to the Essentials Plan doc for more details on both the Trial and Essentials plans in Chargebee Retention.

How long is the Chargebee Retention Trial? 

Our trial is 30 days, which gives you time to build out your branding and first test page, integrate your Billing System, Instal the Chargebee Retentiont.JS, Chargebee Customer Portal or Chargebee Retention API to route canceling users to a Chargebee Retention Page and go live. We know that this can be done in 30 days, but it will take some work to get everything done. See our Getting Started Guide for tips on how to get started.

Why are my reports locked / will I get access to reports on the Essentials Plan? 

Your reports are only locked on the Trial. You will get full access to the existing Chargebee Retention Reporting once you purchase a paid subscription. We do this because our reporting is part of the secret sauce that makes Chargebee Retention great, and is there to help you optimize your retention once you go live with Chargebee Retention.

What is the Company Key and why is it included in the Trial Signup? 

The Company Key field appears on the Trial Signup form and is used in the internal URL for your Chargebee Retention Admin App. This key must be unique, hence why we auto match it to your Company Name and validate it during the Trial Signup flow.

I need access to Audiences, why are the locked on Essentials? 

We have unlocked the Audiences tab as well and are in the process of moving Essentials to Advanced Targeting with a four Audience and four Page limit.

Why are Reason Based Offers locked on Essentials? 

They no longer are! You now can add Reason Based Offers on Essentials.

What is the Holdout Page and why am I required to have one? 

We cover this in more detail in this article, but the Holdout Page is there to support a testing approach. The Holdout Page is limited in that it cannot contain any offers, and is used to gauge your baseline Deflection and Save Performance over time so you can detect for any anomalies or changes in your cancel performance due to external factors.

How does Chargebee Retention recommend I setup my Trial to maximize Retention?

Good question! We get this a lot, and while we are not the experts in your subscription business, we are retention experts. We have some experience from doing this with past customers. If you would like to leverage this experience, here are a few resources for you.

If you get stuck, you can always contact We are here to help you get started maximizing your retention today!

Which plan is right for me, Essentials or Performance? 

Another good question, and the answer is it depends on a couple of things? but primarily it depends upon your monthly cancel volume. The Essentials Plan was setup to support low volume use cases, where customers can launch Chargebee Retention completely self-service and start capturing the value of an active Deflection Funnel. Performance Plan is designed for higher volume use cases where multi-variate testing comes into play that generally requires a more advanced setup, hence the features like Advanced Targeting, Audiences, etc? Generally speaking, if you have 1,000+ cancel sessions per month, you are going to want the full feature set of the Performance Plan. You can see the full breakdown of the plans features and pricing here.

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