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Spring ’23 Product Updates: Unlock the Right Growth Levers to Thrive Through Economic Uncertainty

The threat of rising interest rates and the ongoing economic uncertainty have left businesses reevaluating spends and operating frugally. And, with conscious spending taking over the consumer mindset, customers are now postponing new purchases or subscription renewals unless it’s essential.  While it may be challenging to acquire new customers, it’s not impossible to ride out …

How must you protect your Startup from Online Fraud?

SaaS startups have to put measures to prevent online payment fraud that can significantly affect their revenues. Online fraud is rampant and without adequate detection and prevention measures in place, startups can find themselves with high merchant chargeback fees and possible run-ins with the law. What are the common online payment frauds and how can you prevent them?

Simplifying your checkout process

Optimizing the checkout process is crucial to improving revenues and giving customers a better experience on your website. By tweaking a few things in your checkout process, you can increase site conversion without incurring extra marketing expenses. How can you simplify the checkout process?

How to choose your hosting provider?

When you want to launch your website or cloud application, your hosting provider can affect the experience that customers will have on your site. Having spent a lot of time on research and development of your service, the last thing you need is an inefficient hosting service. What should you consider before buying web hosting services?

Why simple pricing is important?

Pricing is an art. Identifying a simple pricing model that also does not leave lot of money on the table is even harder. Here are 4 examples to derive inspirations from for simple pricing.