
Email Notifications 

Click Settings > Configure Chargebee > Email Notifications, you can view the default email notifications that can be sent to your customers from Chargebee for the respective modules. Apart from the default notifications, you can also add more notifications and follow-ups for each purpose based on your requirements. Learn more about configuring email notifications in Chargebee.

Subscription Management 

Chargebee allows you to send engaging emails to customers as part of subsctiption management. Following is the list of emails that you can send to your customers through the customers' lifecycle.

Invoices, Credit Notes, and Payments 

By enabling the following set of emails, you can keep your customers notified about payment initiations, successful payments, credits applied, and so on.

In addition to the above set of emails, further emails related to Payments and Credits are sent based on the payment gateways/methods that you have configured in your Chargebee site. For example, email notifications for BACS, SEPA (Stripe, Adyen), SEPA (Gocardless), and so on.

Revenue Recovery 

You can reduce churn, recover failed payments, set up payment collection retries, and send reminders to your customers with the help of following emails.

Customer Retention 

The following emails help you with retaining your customers.

Self-serve Emails 

Chargebee's Self-serve portal helps your customers manage their accounts better by themselves. You can send timely notifications and reminders about their accounts through following emails.

Cart Abandonment Emails 

Chargebee helps you to recover the revenue that you lose from cart abandonment through following cart abandonment emails.

Gift Subscription Emails 

You can send timely notifications to the gift givers and receivers by enabling the following emails.

Manual Emails 

You can view, edit, and manually send emails to your customers from Chargebee in this section.

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