

This page is for a legacy version of the integration that maps Chargebee customers to contacts in Salesforce. The version was deprecated on 6th Jan 2020. If you have not migrated to the latest version (with account-based mapping), please contact support .

Object-Level Mapping 

Chargebee objects are mapped to some of the standard Salesforce  objects. Moreover, some custom objects are also created in Salesforce and data from Chargebee is mapped to them too. The table below gives more detail of the mapping relationship between objects in Chargebee and Salesforce.

Chargebee Object/Data

Salesforce Object

(* indicates custom object)

Customer Account

CB Pricing Tier* 
Price Book Entry

CB Quote*

CB Quote Line Item*

CB Quote Product*

CB Quote Coupon*


Opportunity Product

CB Opportunity Product*

CB Opportunity Coupon*

CB Subscription*

Subscription Addon*

Coupon Line Items*
Invoice CB Invoice*
CB Invoice Line Item*
Coupon CB Coupon*
Credit Note CB Credit Note*
CB Credit Note Allocation*
Chargebee site domain name

CB Site*
CB Contact Site*
Chargebee Config*

Field-Level Mapping for Standard Objects 

Here we look at how fields in Salesforce standard objects are mapped to data in Chargebee. The notation used to represent Chargebee data is as seen in the Chargebee API .

Salesforce Field Chargebee Fields
Account Name

Company name of the customer record in Chargebee.


The Contact object is mapped to fields in the Customer object in Chargebee.

Salesforce Field

(* indicates custom field)

Chargebee Field/Data
External Id* (This field is deprecated.)

Name Customer.first_name, Customer.last_name
MailingStreet Customer.billing_address.line1 + line2 + line3 (the field values are concatenated, separated by commas)
MailingState Customer.billing_address.state
Preferred currency* Customer.preferred_currency_code
Payment Method Status* Customer.payment_method.status
Payment Method Type* Customer.payment_method.type
Net Term Days* Customer.net_term_days
Chargebee_Modified_Time* Customer.updated_at
Auto collection* Customer.auto_collection

Price Book 

A Price Book record is created for each Chargebee site that is connected to the Salesforce org. The fields used by the integration are as follows:

Salesforce Field

(* indicates custom field)

Chargebee Field/Data
CB Site* Domain name of the Chargebee site
Price Book Name

CB Price Book prefixed with the Chargebee site domain name.

Price Book Entry 

A price book entry record is created for each Chargebee plan and addon.

Salesforce Field

(* indicates custom field)

Chargebee Field/Data Comments
Product Code Plan/
List Price Plan/Addon.price The value is set to 0 when the Recurring charge model is volume, tiered or stairstep.
Active Plan/Addon.status If Plan/Addon.status is active then true else false.
Use Standard Price Always set to false.
Currency Plan/Addon.currency_code
Setup Cost Plan.setup_cost


Each plan and addon is synced into Salesforce as a Product record.

Salesforce Field

(* indicates custom field)

Chargebee Field/Data Comments
External ID Plan/Addon.Id
Active Plan/Addon.status If Plan/Addon.status is active then true else false.
Product Name Plan/
Product Code Plan/
Product Currency Plan/Addon.currency_code
Trial Period* Plan.trial_period Only applicable for plans and not for addons.
Trial Period Unit* Plan.trial_period_unit Only applicable for plans and not for addons.
Bill Every* Plan/Addon.period
Bill Every Unit* Plan/Addon.period_unit
Billing Cycles* Plan.billing_cycles Only applicable for plans and not for addons.
Free Quantity* Plan.free_quantity Only applicable for plans and not for addons.
Recurring charge model* PLan/Addon.pricing_model
Price* Plan/Addon.price The value is set to 0 when the Recurring charge model is volume, tiered or stairstep.
Set Up Fee* Plan.setup_cost Only applicable for plans and not for addons.
Status* Plan/Addon.status
Product Type* The value is PLAN for plans and ADDON for addons. 
Invoice Name* Plan/Addon.invoice_name
Currency* currency_code
ChargeBee Modified Time* Time when changes to the plan/addon record were last synced to Salesforce.
Addon Type* Addon.charge_type
Addon Applicability* Plan.addon_applicability Only applicable for plans and not for addons.


Opportunity records are only created or modified by the integration when some form of opportunity handling has been configured. The following opportunity fields are updated by the integration:

Salesforce Field

(* indicates custom field)

Chargebee Field/Data
CB Opportunity Type

Indicates the opportunity type in relation to Chargebee. This field is set by Chargebee and can have one of the following values:

  • New subscription: indicates that the opportunity is for creating a new subscription.
  • Renewal: indicates that the opportunity has been created via setting 4.1 for subscriptions with finite billing cycles for the renewal of their terms.
  • Upgrade/Downgrade: indicates that the opportunity has been updated using the Manage CB Products action to update an existing subscription.
Subscription Id The id of the subscription in Chargebee that the opportunity is linked to.
Update Chargebee Checkbox which determines whether a subscription should be created or updated in Chargebee when the opportunity is won.
Close Date Subscription.activated_at
Opportunity Currency Subscription.currency_code
Opportunity Name This field is set to the company name of the customer record.
Price book The Id of the price book for the Chargebee site.
Stage The stage of the opportunity may be set via the integration if configured accordingly.
Coupon* Deprecated field. The attached coupons can now be found in the CB Coupon related list for the opportunity.

Opportunity Product 

Opportunity Product records are only created or modified by the integration when some form of opportunity handling has been configured. The following opportunity product fields are updated by the integration:

Salesforce Field

(* indicates custom field)

Chargebee Field/Data Comments




Sales Price




If the plan or addon have their pricing models as tiered, volume or stairstep, the value is set based on the tier(s), the quantity falls under.

For Chargebee plans: the discount percentage is calculated based on the plan free quantity and the coupon discount.

For Chargebee addons: the discount percentage is calculated based on the coupon discount.

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