
External Reason Key 

Reasons in Chargebee Retention sometimes need to be mapped to other external systems so that you can process updates to those systems based on the outcomes of a Chargebee Retention session. To support this use case, we have an External Reason Key that can be configured for each of your Reasons in Chargebee Retention. You can set the External Reason Key in the Survey Reasons Library under "Advanced Settings" within the Reason Editor.

This key should be used to map your Chargebee Retention Reasons to reasons you have defined in other systems and want to report against.

Note: This key will be hard coded and immutable, so it serves well to use in integrations. This means that once you save it for the first time, you will not be able to overwrite it in the future. Please take care to ensure that you put the correct key in to map to your system. Once this value has been set, we will then pass it through all alerts, webhooks and segment events.

If you would like to have it setup, please contact and we will configure it for you.

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