
Removing test sessions from reporting 

When you are setting up your Chargebee Retention account, you'll want to test your installation and any changes you make as you evolve your cancel experiences. You'll see your test sessions in your Chargebee Retention dashboard within a few minutes of testing as you prepare to go live. Many of our customers want to start with a clean slate when it's time to launch. Chargebee Retention provides you with the option to remove certain users or entire domains from your dashboard.

Head over to Settings > Users > Restricted Domains & Emails > Manage and enter the domain name or individual email addresses of users you would like to scrub from reporting.


Adding an email address or domain to the excluded user list doesn't disable functionality. Precancel requests, webhooks, alerts, targeting, and billing updates will act as normal.

Restricted domains 

The first option: Restricted Domains, removes all results from the dashboard for an entire domain. It's recommended to add your company domain (or staging domain if it's different here). In the example above any test session for users at would be scrubbed from results. e.g.,, etc. Joe, Jane, or anyone at could run cancel sessions without affecting results in the dashboard.

Restricted emails 

The second option: Restricted emails, removes individual users from reports. In the example above any sessions from would be scrubbed but other users of would be reflected in reporting.


The Restricted domains & emails can be updated at any time so don't worry if you started testing Chargebee Retention and forgot to update the list. Simply make your update, wait 24 hours and those records will be removed from results.

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