
Calculating lost and saved revenue 

Not every customer is created equally, and that's especially true in how each customer impacts your business. In order to truly know the impact a customer lost (or saved) has on your business, you need to look at the customers value in dollars and cents. By connecting to one of our supported billing integrations, currently with Chargebee, Stripe or Recurly, you'll be able to see revenue attributed to your Saves, Cancels, and Watch List customers.

With the billing integrations connected and enabled, the Trends Report defaults to revenue totals instead of customer totals.

Prefer to see the Customer view instead? Toggle "View by customers" to return to the original Trends Report.

Drilling down into any cohort, the expanded customer list also displays revenue totals alongside the billing interval (monthly or annual), and the date the customer's subscription is set to expire.

Revenue in the Insights Report 

With billing integrated, the Insights report has an additional filter to View by Customers or View by Revenue. View by Revenue displays the % of Cancels by total Canceled Revenue instead of total Canceled Accounts.

Revenue on the Customer Pages 

With billing integrations connected, Customer Pages have revenue, billing interval (monthly vs. annual) and Validation Status added to it.

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