
Chargebee Retention Key Metrics Definition 

There are several key metrics that we use to measure the performance of a Chargebee Retention Deflection Funnel. These metrics are presented in our Experience Performance Report as well as our Save Performance and Deflection Trends Reports along with other various reports throughout Chargebee Retention. This article provides a definition for each of these metrics.

  • Experience: The page a canceling user visited in Chargebee Retention.
  • Reasons: The reason(s) that were selected by the canceling users who visited that particular Experience.
  • Total Sessions: The total # of unique subscriber visits within the unique cancel/save period.
  • Canceled: A subscriber who completes the Chargebee Retention page survey and continues to cancel.
  • Watchlist: A subscriber who visited the Chargebee Retention page within the save interval (defaults to last 30 days) and has not canceled.
  • Saved: A subscriber who has not canceled once the save interval has elapsed after their initial visit to the cancel page. NOTE: for customers, w/ Stripe or Recurly Save Validation enabled this will be validated against billing.
  • Deflect Rate: % of visitors to the page who are initially deflected (# of deflected (watchlist, save or lost deflect) subscribers / total sessions for a given time period).
  • Lost Deflects: A subscriber who was initially deflected but then returned to cancel before the save interval is up.
  • Save Rate: % of visitors to the page who are saved (# of saved subscribers / total sessions for a given time period).
  • Modal Offer Accepts: # of subscribers who click a particular Modal Offer CTA in the cancel Experience.
  • Modal Offer Views: # of subscribers who view a particular Modal Offer in the cancel Experience.
  • Modal Offer Accept Rate: % of visitors to the page who accepted a modal offer (# of modal offer accepts / # of modal offer views for a given time period)
  • LA Offer Accepts: # of subscribers who click a particular LA Offer CTA in the cancel Experience.
  • LA Offer Views: # of subscribers who view a particular LA Offer in the cancel Experience.
  • LA Offer Accept Rate: % of visitors to the page who accepted a LA offer (# of LA offer accepts / # of LA offer views for a given time period)
  • Total Offer Accepts: Modal Offer Accepts + LA Offer Accepts
  • Passive Deflects: # subscriber who exits the cancel experience w/o canceling and/or selecting a modal offer or LA offer
  • Passive Deflect Rate: % of visitors to the page who deflect w/o accepting a LA or Modal offer (# of subscribers who bounce or select never mind buttons and don't cancel / total sessions for a given time period).
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