
Getting to know Customer Pages 

The Customers Pages give you a comprehensive, easily exportable list of all your Customers that hit the Chargebee Retention Page grouped by outcome: All, Canceled, Saved, and those currently on the Active Watch list.

Here's how we define how the lists are grouped together:

  • All: Total list of customers that have hit the cancel page.
  • Canceled: Customers that hit the Cancel Page and complete cancellation.
  • Saved: Customers that do not cancel within 30 days of viewing the Cancel Page. Customers that cancel after the 30 days may still be included
  • Watch list: Customers that hit the Cancel Page but do not complete cancellation. Watchlist customers click Nevermind, accept an Offer, or click the back button on their browser and remain on the Watchlist for 30 days. After 30 days, these customers move to Saved.

Edit what information appears in the list by clicking the gear in the upper left corner.

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