
Multi-branded cancel experiences 


As a subscription business as you grow, you may have to launch multiple different brands to position each product uniquely within your subscribers. In order to ensure the best possible user experience for your online customers, you need to ensure brand & style consistency across different touch points your subscriber interacts with across their lifecycle. This is needed not just from user experience perspective, but also to ensure compliance with your organisation's branding guidelines. Maintaining a customised cancellation experience that works across your diversified subscriber base (differentiated by brands) can be a very challenging task. The complexity arises not just in implementing the cancellation experience itself but ensuring that you hyper-personalise the experience for each subscriber by giving them different offers, presenting them with different cancellation reasons and optimise the process further using data.

That's where Chargebee Retention's new multi-branded cancellation experience feature comes into picture. This feature is purposely built to help enterprises with multiple different brands to provide a bespoke cancellation experience to their subscribers. Using this feature customers can not only set up their own style & branding specific to each brand but also configure pages, targeting, cancel reasons etc specific to each brand within the same retention application. Below are the key benefits of this feature for the customers.

  • Improved operational efficiency - Customers can now set up all their brands within the same retention application. This means less work and improved productivity through consolidation and reduction in the tools involved.

  • Compliance with branding guidelines - Customers can stay compliant with their organization's branding guidelines and provide their customers a personalized cancellation experience unique to each brand.

  • Consolidated insights for further optimisation - Since the brand setup is consolidated so is the generation and storage of data for all the brands. This makes the feedback process insightful and more efficient driving further optimisation and improvements.

Getting Started 


Please note that this feature is currently in Early Adopter Program (EAP) and can be enabled on request. You may drop an email to to get this enabled for your retention application.

  • This feature is only available for New / Existing Retention customers who are on our Chargebee Retention's Enterprise plan. Lower plan customers will need to upgrade to get this feature enabled.
  • In addition to being a Retention customer you need to be a Chargebee Billing customer as well since the feature is designed to work only with Chargebee Billing as of now.
  • You will be able to set up a multi-branded cancel experience using the steps below.
    • Create & set up your brands; Specify brand name, domain, branding, audience etc for each brand.
    • Create pages & targeting funnel for each brand to determine the cancellation page for each subscriber.
    • Setup artifacts such as survey reasons, offers, LA cards. There are no options to create brand specific artifacts yet within the multi-brand feature.
    • Activate your brand by switching on the activate / deactivate the toggle.

Brand Setup & Configuration 

Before you start to cancel experiences specific to a brand, you need to set up your brands within the retention application. This step is needed for the brand to be made available for referencing within the new pages, targeting, survey reasons etc that you plan to create specific to the brand.

Creating a brand 

Begin by selecting the Create a new brand button on the top right section of the Brand list screen.

Enter the name and domain name for your brand as the first step and click on the Create Brand button.

You will see that the brand is successfully created and the creation date and last modified dates are updated for the brand.

The newly created brand will also be available in the brand list page. By default the brand is created in the INACTIVE status i.e. it will not start accepting traffic straightaway. However since the brand is now created, you may either choose to set up the brand specific cancel experiences, including pages, targeting and other artifacts or proceed with further setting up the brand as the next step.

Setting up Branding 

Once the brand is created, you may proceed towards setting up the branding for your brand. The process for setting up branding for a specific brand is very similar to setting up branding in a non multi-branded retention application. Please refer to the section to know more about how the branding can be set up.

Specifying brand configurations 

Once the branding is set up, you may proceed towards specifying the top of the funnel audience segment for this brand. The audience segment specified here is unique to the brand and is typically the first condition that will get executed to resolve the brand to which the subscriber belongs to. Based on the resolution of the brand, the subscriber is rendered the corresponding page for the brand. To specify branding rules, one can refer to the audience management section as the interface to specify the rules are very similar to how a typical audience segment gets created within the retention application. You may also choose to specify confirmation URLs for the brand to specify URLs to which the subscriber should be redirected to on clicking the Cancel or Never mind button.

Activating / Deactivating a brand 

By default the brand is created with INACTIVE status i.e. not ready to accept the traffic. This is done to make sure customers are able to set up their cancel experience before the brand is activated to start receiving traffic. Once you are done setting up your cancellation experience you may come back to this page to activate the brand using the ACTIVE / INACTIVE Toggle. This toggle is available within the Brand Configuration section and also in the Brand list section against each brand name.

Brand specific cancel experience 

Once you are done setting up you brands, you can start with setting up the brand specific cancellation experience for each brand. You will notice the newly created brand is now available in the brand drop down selector which is available within the retention application. You can use the brand selector drop down to switch context between different brands and manage your content more efficiently.

Brand specific pages 

You can set up cancellation pages specific to each brand. By default the pages created within a brand will inherit the branding of the selected brand. Pages created in one brand do not get shared with pages created within some other brand. The process to set up the cancellation page for multi-brand retention application is exactly the same as that for a non multi-branded retention application. Refer to the section for more details.

Brand specific targeting 

In addition to specifying brand specific pages, you can also set up brand specific targeting rules specifically for each brand. The brand specific targeting rules, get executed post the audience segment rules configured at the brand level successfully resolves the brand. These targeting rules help to slot the subscriber within the right section of the cancellation funnel and show them the right cancellation experience. The targeting rules configured within one brand do not interfere or impact the targeting rules configured in the other brand. Please note that only the pages specific to the selected brand will be available for selection purposes within the targeting section, other pages will not be visible from the front end. To know how to setup targeting in retention, refer to the section.

Brand specific library artefacts 

All artefacts created within the retention application are available for use across all the brands. Survey reasons, offers and LA cards once created can be shared across different brands. Offers and LA Cards in particular inherit the branding of the selected brand. However they can be placed across multiple different pages belonging to the same or multi brand.

Dashboards & Reports 

Using the available dashboards and reports you can analyze key trends and KPIs to measure the performance of each brand or multiple different brands. There are three ways in which data can be analyzed based on brands within retention.

Brand level filters available within the dashboards, reports & Insights allows you to filter results by a specific brand. One can also aggregate the results for all the brands and measure the consolidated results across all brands.

Brand drop down within Insights reports, helps to see a breakdown of key retention metrics by brands, audience, experience etc. One can nicely see and analyze how various brands fair relative to each other using this option.

In addition to the insights reports, the brand level grouping is also available within the trends report as an option. This helps to view the breakdown of key retention metrics in a trend format across various brands.

Using the options above, users can filter & aggregate key retention metrics across different brands and optimize the performance of their cancellation experience further. 


All settings configured within the retention application are shared across all the brands and are at application level. There have been no changes made in the functionality of these sections. Refer to section for more.

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