
Tracking Responses to Feedback Offer Modals 

There is a common use case in Chargebee Retention to present a Feedback Offer Modal to canceling user to gather more information on their reason for leaving. These Offers are often not designed to retain the user per-say, but rather to capture valuable feedback that can be used to make key downstream business decisions to mitigate the Cancel Reason in the future. We currently provide both free text and structured feedback modals in Chargebee Retention.

You can now report on the responses that customers input into these modals in the Customers Page. We have added two new fields to the report:

  • Free Text Modal Feedback: Any response to a Feedback Offer with Send Email as the action
  • Structured Modal Feedback: Any response to a Structured Feedback Offer

To pull these fields into your Customers page view, simply add them via the field selector.

These fields will present in the following format "Modal Name: 'customer response'".

If you have any questions about the Modal Feedback please contact

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