
Editing an Offer 

Chargebee Retention lets you control the copy and content of your Offers via the Offer Editor which can be accessed from inside the Offer Library. You can edit an offer already in your library or when you create a new one:

  • For existing offers, navigate to the Offers tab within the Experience Manager and select the Offer you would like to edit.
  • For new offers, click Create a new Offer and go through the New Offer flow to launch into the offer editor.


  • Design: Select your the layout of the offer modal


  • Settings: Select the processing action and configure key meta details about the offer button
  • Offer accept step: Configure what a user sees after they click the offer button

Offer settings

Publishing an Offer


We recommend you start by selecting an Offer layout. Here you can choose from our different Offer layouts. We group our layouts into two different types, modal and loss aversion, based on where on the page they can be placed. Loss Aversion templates go in the Loss Aversion slots on the page, where as modals can be tied to cancel reasons or triggered on page load / as a final offer.

Inline Offer Editor 

Once you have the offer looking nice and reading the way you want it too, it is time to move on to edit the Button settings and Offer accept step.

Button Settings 

You can view or modify the button processing option selected at the beginning of the offer creation flow. Note, if you have one of our billing integrations enabled, you will also see the Billing Integration option in the dropdown and have the ability to associate discounts to existing coupons in your billing system.

For multi-CTA offers, you will see Settings and Accept step sections for each offer button.

Next, you will need to determine what happens to your user when they hit the button on your offer, which you can do in the Offer accept state tab.

Offer accept step 

The Offer accept step tab is where you determine what the user sees when they click the button on your offer. This is a very important tab, because it determines how the user will perceive the action of clicking through this option. We present the following options:

  • Link: Route the user to a link of your choosing
  • Confirmation modal: Show a confirmation before redirecting them off the page
  • Collect feedback (freeform): Allow the user to input a message into an email that gets triggered when the user hits sent
  • Collect feedback (structured): Gather additional feedback by asking an additional structured question after the initial offer button
  • Send email with confirmation: Trigger an email when the user hits the accept button that can be processed in an external system by an agent
  • Cancel: Trigger the cancel action when selected, only to be used in multi-CTA modals where a cancel button is there to give the user a quick cancel option instead of the offer
  • Nevermind: Redirect users off of the cancel page
  • Dismiss: Close the modal and return to the survey, only really to be used in multi-CTA modals where a dismiss button is there to let the user close it quickly

We will go into each in more detail and cover the key configurations.

The Link action is the most straightforward of the actions available, when a user hits the button they will be taken to whatever link destination you choose.

Here you have three options: choose a URL that you can input directly and applies only to this offer, a global Save return URL which is configured in settings, or show an Offer confirmation page which can be configured under the confirmation pages tab. Note, this field will be required to be in a valid URL format for you to save it.

Confirmation modal 

The Confirmation action shows a confirmation modal after a user clicks the button to accept the offer.

Collect feedback (freeform) 

Many customers need to email a 3rd party system to process Offers in Chargebee Retention, and that is where the Collect feedback (freeform), Collect feedback (structured), and Send email with confirmation actions come into play. These three actions are very similar, with the difference being the first two require an additional step from the user to actually provide feedback.

Here we have two user facing tabs: Send message and Confirmation modal. The Send message modal is where the user will type in whatever feedback you ask them to provide here. The Confirmation modal will appear after they hit Send message button and is where you can configure the URL to redirect them to.

All of this is configured in the sidebar where you have the option to hide the cancel action on the Confirmation modal to ensure more users complete the flow. We recommend doing this if you want to maximize deflect rates.

Collect feedback (structured) 

The Collect feedback (structured) option is a way to capture additional information from a user after they select an Offer. You can present a list of options for the user to choose from.

This offer behaves similarly to the Collect feedback (freeform) option in that when a user selects an option here, they will trigger an email that can be sent to a 3rd party system for tracking.

Send email with confirmation 

Send email with confirmation action functions almost the same as the Collect feedback (freeform) and Collect feedback (structured) actions, but it skips the middle step where the user has to provide feedback. This action is often used when you have Agents processing an offer, as it gives you the option to send the key details over to the agent without forcing the user to type or select anything.

With this selection you will configure the message that is sent with the email in the offer sidebar to help inform your agents on what to do with that offer accept.


The cancel option allows you to add a cancel button to any offer you choose. This should really only be used in a multi-CTA use case where you want to present an offer or a direct option to cancel in a single modal.

When deployed, the button will trigger a cancel event not an offer accept event.


The nevermind option allows you to present a nevermind button on your offer to redirect users off of the cancel page. This works in the same way as the nevermind buttons on the cancel page.


The dismiss action allows you to close the offer rather than continue processing it. This should really only be used in a multi-CTA use case where you want to present an easy option for the user to return to the survey and complete it.

When selected, the button text will update to "Continue to cancel" and when a user selects this button, it will return them to the cancel page to complete the survey. Thus we don't typically recommend this action beyond the multi-CTA use case.

Card Settings 

The card settings tab allows you to pull key meta data about you offer up that can be used in downstream integrations or to configure how many times users can redeem a specific offer.

The Redemptions section allows you to set the maximum number of times a single customer can accept that offer. The Card name and Offer name can be used when setting up webhooks or integrations to 3rd party systems as these fields are immutable.

Placing an Offer in an Experience 

Once you have finished editing the content of your offer, you can either hit Done and save it as a draft, or click over to the Placement tab to place the Offer in an Experience.

The Placement tab will present you with a list of your experiences, and all the available offer placements within those experiences. If there is already an Offer in the Placement location, the name of the Offer will appear in gray to the right of it. To replace an existing Offer, simply select the checkbox and it will be updated.

Note, this Offer Placement tab only lets you place a single Offer in a Chargebee Retention Experience. For more info on how to pull multiple Offers into a single experience, visit this article.

Publishing Offer Changes 

Once you have placed the Offer in the Experiences you want it to show up in, you can select "Done" and either "Publish Now" or "Save draft"

The "Publish now" button will let you immediately push those changes live, whereas the "Save draft" button will save it to your Offer Library as a draft that can be reviewed before publishing.

If your Offer is used in an existing Experience and you save it as a draft, you will be able to see it in the draft preview of that Experience. This is the best practice if you have internal reviewers who need to sign off on Offer changes before they go out.

This is an advanced feature of Chargebee Retention. If you would like us to enable Additional Offer Actions for your account, please contact

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