Customer Loyalty
Having trouble securing ultimate customer loyalty for your SaaS business? Being able to have strong customer loyalty can be difficult for most, but these five ideas can help you make sure you’re getting the most out of your customer loyalty for the SaaS industry without having to spend most of your budget.
As businesses continue to push for more of mobile and online presence, one of the biggest pushes happens to be in the loyalty and customer relationship management sector. Especially when people have such huge public platforms like Twitter and Facebook to voice their opinions about a business, it’s crucial to make sure your customer loyalty and management is satisfactory and streamlined. Here are five ideas to consider for your loyalty strategy.
1. Always give more
Isn’t it always cool when a business goes above and beyond their service to really make you smile and remember their brand? Everyone loves that feeling, and it’s time to bring that to your very own customers.
Some ways to do this is through social and loyalty rewards for using your service and software, going above and beyond your normal service (getting tasks accomplished before the deadline, leaving nice notes in tech support tickets beyond the scripted responses, and other “little things” that can make the difference).
2. Be transparent with your business
You’ve probably heard it before and will hear it 100 more times, but even businesses adopting SaaS model needs to be transparent with their customers in order to instill that customer loyalty. Don’t be afraid to be frank with your customers–but know your boundaries!–and get casual on your social networks when talking to your customers. Let them know what you’re up to through videos and images of the workplace. And be transparent about outages and engage on social media.

Message on Twitter – Outage
3. Build a consistent relationship with social media
Have a Facebook, Twitter, or even a Pinterest but it’s just collecting dust and not doing much for your brand? It’s time to ramp up your social media efforts tenfold and make sure that your business is front and center with your customers. One way some businesses have been bringing better engagement, and through it, better loyalty is setting up customer-specific groups on Facebook or lists on Twitter.
Let customers discuss, ask questions, and comment in a private group with your employees all about your industry and your services, like an open forum. Help organize all of your followers on Twitter by making customer-specific lists, and then engage in Twitter chats to help better inform them about your industry and brand.
4. Have awesome content marketing efforts
It takes more than just a few posts on Facebook and Twitter, being able to provide reliable and informative content is another way toward strong customer loyalty. A few ways is providing helpful information through an authority blog, uploading slideshows to SlideShare, and even using websites like Learnist or Paper.li to curate content. Or, there’s even creating an entire YouTube channel that explains your products or provides helpful tips for your customers.
5. Contests, giveaways, and gifts
Who doesn’t like getting free stuff? Especially if all it takes is to Like your Facebook page or follow you on Twitter. Contests don’t have to be a difficult thing to manage or do, it could simply mean picking a random follower or having your customers submit user-generated content that can also provide an SEO boost for your business with either a free product, discounted service, or much more. The possibilities are endless!
There are several other ways for you to gain better customer loyalty, these just happen to be some of the best. Don’t hesitate to give these ideas a try and see the results for yourself.
What other ideas do you have? Share it with us