We’re excited to finally share with you what’s been brewing for several months: the new Chargebee experience! Bursts of joy and pops of color are round the corner. You’re probably wondering why we’re reinventing Chargebee, and why now.

Let’s go back to the very beginning:

Subscription billing involves a lot more than just invoicing and automatically charging cards or bank accounts. Whether you are just beginning to carve out your space in the world of entrepreneurship, or are an established enterprise, you’d be spending as much time putting together your billing system as you will focussing on perfecting your offering.

So we built Chargebee to make subscription billing look simple. It was exactly what we had set out to create: a powerful, secure, and reliable product, with easy-to-use API to boot.

Fast forward to the future:

Three years into subscription billing, we were adding some handy features and then some, when we realized that our current design is not fully aligned with the usability of the said features.

We also learnt that we had a significant part in enhancing the subscription experience of our customers’ customers. And to play that part effectively, we needed to provide a user experience that would delight everyone in the ecosystem. The product had to adapt to the needs of different users.

Chargebee required a redesign. It needed better aesthetics, cleaner layouts, and overall, a better experience that translates into frictionless subscription billing. Those of you who already use Chargebee would have noticed some not-so-tiny changes.

Going forward, we’re going to improve user experience across the board, for our merchants and their customers. You can expect:

  • A better onboarding experience
  • Quicker and easier setup
  • Presets that work out of the box
  • A faster way to complete everyday tasks

In short, Chargebee will be a product that’s a pleasure to use. A product that will work so seamlessly, you will hardly notice its presence.

And hey, meet our new identity!

We decided to give our brand identity a makeover too, to match the verve and vibrancy of the new Chargebee:

Chargebee type

Chargebee mark

So yes, a refreshing UI, a no-brainer navigation, and a generally intuitive user experience is in the offing. Also, we have been adding features requested by our customers, and will continue to do so in tandem with the design changes.

We’ve been hearing cheers from our customers, and the positive feedback has encouraged us to keep going and roll out more changes in the coming weeks.

Dig the new Chargebee? Write to experience@chargebee.com.