
Integrate App Store Connect 

This document will guide you through the process of integrating App Store Connect  with your Chargebee site.

Retrieve App information from App Store Connect 

Prior to enabling your integration with Chargebee, you require the following details from App Store Connect:

  • Bundle ID: A bundle ID uniquely identifies an application in Apple's ecosystem. Read more here .

  • App-Specific Shared Secret: A unique code associated with receipts for auto-renewable subscriptions for your app. Read more here .

Follow the steps below to retrieve this information:

  1. Login to your App Connect Store  and click My Apps.

  2. Click the applicable app name to connect with your Chargebee site.

  3. Click App Information from the General menu and make a note of the Bundle ID for your app.

  4. Click General > App Information > Manage to view the App-Specific Shared Secret.

  5. Make a note of the App-Specific Shared Secret or click Generate if the key does not display.


  • The access to view the App-Specific Shared Secret is limited by access roles in App Store Connect, reach out to your App Store admin if you are unable to view the key.

  • The Regenerate option can be utilized in consultation with your app admin if you encounter any issues while connecting with your Chargebee site.

You have retrieved the Bundle ID and App-Specific Shared Secret required to connect with your Chargebee site.

Connect with your Chargebee Site 

Follow the steps below to connect your app with Chargebee:

  1. Login to your Chargebee site and click Apps from the menu.

  2. Click Go to Marketplace.

  3. Click Mobile App Store.

  4. Click Apple App Store.

  5. Click Proceed.

  6. Enter the details for the following fields:
    App Name: This is the display name for the app on your Chargebee site.
    Bundle Id: This is the unique identifier for your app on Apple Store Connect.
    App-Specific Shared Secret: This is the unique code required to authenticate requests.

  7. Click Connect to complete the integration of App Store Connect with your Chargebee site.

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