In Times
Such as Now,
Survival = Growth

"When disaster strikes, just say to yourself, ok, this was what Paul was talking about. What did he say to do? Oh, yeah. Don't give up."

Back in 2007, right before the 2008 burst, Paul Graham noted this in one of his essays titled 'How Not to Die'.

And today, in the midst of these uncertain times, those words ring just as true as they did back then.

While some of our 2020 revenue plans look bleaker than before, this is exactly the time to not give up. Double down on retention, find hotspots for growth.

At Chargebee, we don't have all the answers. But what we do have are a very particular set of capabilities, capabilities we perfected over a decade working with 10,000+ SaaS businesses, capabilities that make us an ark for subscription businesses in times like these.

And here's how we can help.

Spend discretion is at an all-time high. Understand your customer's cash constraints and meet them halfway. Build a relationship that survives and thrives beyond this situation.
  • Allow payments to be deferred by a time period and let them stay with you
  • Give credit notes or gift a subscription to the truly struggling
  • Let subscribers pause their subscription instead of canceling
  • Run discount/coupon campaigns to give sales a boost
  • Transition customers who pay by offline payments to online by offering preferred payment option

While the economy has indeed slowed down in general, there's been a redistribution of available demand. Some industries are actually booming. Make hay wherever the sun shines; even pass off the benefits to your most hit segments.

  • Find your growth hotspots with comprehensive subscription analytics
  • Move across market segments with out-of-the-box support for low-touch and high-touch sales workflows
  • Manage upsells, with support for recurring addons and one-time purchases
  • Expand across geographies with support for local taxation, compliances, currencies and language
Nature's way of surviving hard conditions is through great efficiency - hibernation. It's a great time to take stock of how efficiently you spend time, and effort, just as much as budget.
  • Manage your entire quote-to-cash remotely - from CRM to Bank and Books, with a brilliant Salesforce integration
  • Save your accounting team all that manual effort, and gift them 'one-click reconciliation' and seamless integration with accounting systems
  • Reduce the load on your support team and improve customer experience with the self-service customer portal
  • Maximize collections and minimize gateway fees with intelligent dunning that retries payment at the optimal time
We're a business, but also a collective of close to 400 people. And we're here for you.
  • Migrate your billing data, even while WFH, with a completely guided experience through our customer champions
  • 24x7 support over email
SaaS in a COVID-19 World

None of this changes the fact that the immediate future looks as hard to predict as weather, and there's a lot to get adjusted to.

While we all battle these uncertainties, it's more important than ever to exchange thoughts, perhaps, potential answers.

We're sharing ours and of those we look upto, here:

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