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Entitlement Management

Roll Out Plan & Pricing Changes at The Flip of A Switch

Your engineers should be working on the core product, not packaging & pricing changes. Unblock your monetization strategy by unlocking new revenue opportunities with Chargebee Entitlements.


How Entitlements Management works

Set usage limits and manage feature access without any code.

Why Chargebee Entitlements

Chargebee's Entitlements management platform is built on top of the Billing system.

Extensive Feature Mapping

Map features to plans, unbundle, and bundle features using just the UI, without any code patches

Seamless Access Management

Provision, revoke, and manage feature access on a plan or subscription level.

Intuitive & quick UI

Execute plan and pricing changes at the flip of a switch and iterate on pricing without any developer dependency.

Feature-flag database

Maintain a system of records for all features, and centralize feature flags and entitlement information under one roof.

software monetization

Unlock New Monetization Opportunities

It takes multiple attempts to arrive at a pricing fit. It takes even longer to arrive at the right feature-plan mapping and packaging. When it feels like you finally have the sweet spot, your pricing needs tweaks and changes owing to scaling. Chargebee Entitlements helps you automate feature provisioning while you run and stop pricing experiments to make educated decisions.

  • map usage limits to plans and addons

  • enforce usage limits to specific subscriptions

  • create new plans and addons

  • edit pricing table on the go

  • offer upscale features on trial


Set and Enforce Feature Limits with Minimal Code

Chargebee Entitlements helps manage cloud-based infrastructure by setting and enforcing usage and feature limits across plans and individual subscriptions. With support for all SaaS Pricing models and integrated with your subscriptions engine, Chargebee Entitlements helps you set quantity-based limits for your features.

  • Set quantity-based limits for plans and addons

  • Tailor access rights and privileges within the entitlement management system

  • Supports all subscription use-cases


Centralize Feature Flags and Automate Provisioning

How many hoops do you have to jump through to get a feature enabled for one customer? With Chargebee Entitlements you can streamline your provisioning workflows and centralize feature and entitlements data. Set up the business to grow seamlessly by removing developer dependencies. You can also maintain a system of record for all features, categorize features with different lifecycle stages (draft, activate, and archive), and even sunset a feature by deleting it.

  • Maintain a record of features

  • Offer features on limited-trial

  • Categorize features based on lifecycle stage

  • Grandfather users on older pricing models


Upsell Effortlessly by Incentivizing Expansion

No PDF can come close to explaining why a customer should upgrade rather than actually giving the experience of the premium features first-hand. Give your customers a whiff of what lies above their plan by letting them try premium features for a limited time. You can override entitlements for a specific subscription and enable or revoke access to features without breaking your codebase or eating into your developer hours.

  • Edit Entitlements on an account-level

  • Offer premium features on trial

  • Enable or revoke access using UI

Frequently Asked Questions

Chargebee Entitlements is a product that helps organizations manage and control access to their product features or privileges. It allows businesses to define and enforce rules for who can access what resources, ensuring that only authorized individuals or entities are granted access.

  1. Create features that you offer with name, description, and ID.

  2. Map features to respective plans and addons in your catalog, including the specific entitlement levels. Ex: Pro plan users are entitled to 10 seats.

  3. When a subscription is now created, Chargebee will auto-calculate the entitlements of the subscription based on the plans and add-ons selected.

  4. Hook into our APIs and Webhooks to look up a subscription's entitlements and provision feature access on your app.

  5. Override entitlements at a subscription level for specific customers and provide more than what’s on the plan.

With Chargebee entitlements, organizations can:

  1. Create and manage user roles and permissions

  2. Increase security and reduce the risk of unauthorized use or data breaches

  3. Improve compliance with regulations and licensing agreements

  4. Gain better visibility into resource usage and allocation

  5. Help streamline user onboarding and offboarding processes

Chargebee Entitlements sits on top of your Billing system and gives you a leg up by helping you:

  1. Iterate on plans and pricing rapidly with minimal code

  2. Centralize feature flags and access information under one roof

  3. Offer limited-period feature trials to give customers a taste of a feature, and drive upsell negotiations

  4. Provision, revoke, and manage access on any level with simple toggle-based UI

  5. Map features and limits to plans or addons and create and edit sales bundles

  6. Make quick changes on the go without developer dependency.

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