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Gain visibility and make informed decisions with powerful AR insights.

Get all the answers you need, from outstanding revenue to your collector’s performance. Set up a proactive collection strategy for your top-paying customers and improve your cash flow.

Build an efficient collection process with deep AR insights

Get 360 View

Get a 360° view of your collections performance with Chargebee Receivables intuitive dashboard

Enable Teams

Enable teams to prioritize and accelerate collection efforts with insights into customers' payment behaviors

Monitor & Forecast

Monitor and forecast cash flow with AR analytics and actionable reports

Stay on top

Stay on top of your team's progress with real-time visibility into their activities

Improve your AR by improving visibility

AR Dashboard

Gain a better sense of your company's overall outstanding across multiple aging buckets and the collection performance in a single place. Chargebee Receivables offers an intuitive dashboard that helps you assess and monitor accounts receivables across your business units, along with subscription insights.

Empower your AR team to make data-backed decisions

Customer level AR insights

Collectors have complete visibility into the outstanding customers and their payment patterns. The AR team has a comprehensive view of customers' open/overdue invoices, Promises to Pay dates, failed payment details, and open disputes, so they have contextual engagements with customers.

Measure and track your team's performance

AR Team Performance

Get a quick summary of individual collectors’ efforts from the Chargebee Receivables dashboard. Understand each collector's performance against their targets, what's pending and overdue accounts assigned to them, along with their status. Gain real-time visibility of customers across aging distribution and the ongoing issues.

Know what's working and what’s not

Automate reporting

Receive actionable insights to your inbox to keep track of upcoming challenges and opportunities. Configure custom reports to monitor critical receivables metrics, including cash projections, team performance, collection review, and open client disputes.

Estimate cash flow based on customer commitment

Automate eInvoicing

Put an end to guesswork. Track how much got collected vs. the overdue and accurately estimate cash inflow based on payment commitments by customers and their statuses.

Improve Collection Efficiency with Powerful and Actionable Insights
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