
Quote-to-Cash Field Mapping 


The Quote-to-Cash integration requires HubSpot's Sales Hub Professional  edition or higher.

The integration maps Chargebee objects are mapped to some standard HubSpot objects. In the Object Mapping section you will find details mapping both at the object level and at the field level.

Object mapping 

The diagram below shows the relationship between objects in HubSpot and Chargebee when using this integration. The arrows indicate the direction of data flow.


The Company-Customer mapping is primary. Contact, Deal, and Deal Line Item objects are mapped to Customer and Subscription objects in Chargebee based on the Company-Customer relationship.

Field mapping 

The tables in the sections below provide the field-level mapping details for each of the HubSpot objects shown in the diagram above.

Company object field mapping 

The company object in HubSpot maps to the customer object in Chargebee. The direction of data transfer on each sync is from HubSpot to Chargebee.

HubSpot Property Group

HubSpot Property (* indicates custom object)

Field Mapping

Chargebee Company Information


Chargebee Site Name*

Subdomain name of the Chargebee site to which the customer record belongs. For example: acme-test for a TEST site or acme for a LIVE site.

Chargebee Business Entity*

This property value is used to set the following attribute in Chargebee:

Chargebee Customer ID

This property value is used to set the following attribute in Chargebee:

Customer First Name

This property value is used to set the following attribute in Chargebee:


Customer Last Name

This property value is used to set the following attribute in Chargebee:



This property value is used to set the following attribute in Chargebee:

Company Information


This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:

Company Domain Name

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:

Chargebee email domain

Company Name

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:

Country / Region

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:

Postal Code

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee: customer.billing_address.state

Street Address

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee: customer.billing_address.line1

Street Address 2

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee: customer.billing_address.line2

Contact object field mapping 

The contact object in HubSpot also maps to the customer object in Chargebee. The direction of data transfer on each sync is from HubSpot to Chargebee.

HubSpot Property Group

HubSpot Property

Field Mapping

Contact information

Company Name

  • If Chargebee Primary Contact is set to Yes then the property is synced to the 

  • If Chargebee Billing Contact is set to Yes then the property is synced to

First Name

  • If Chargebee Primary Contact is set to Yes then the property is synced to customer.first_name.

  • If Chargebee Billing Contact is set to Yes then the property is synced to customer.billing_address.first_name.

Last Name

  • If Chargebee Primary Contact is set to Yes then the property is synced to customer.last_name.

  • If Chargebee Billing Contact is set to Yes then the property is synced to customer.billing_address.last_name.


  • If Chargebee Primary Contact is set to Yes then the property is synced to

  • If Chargebee Billing Contact is set to Yes then the property is synced to

Phone Number

  • If Chargebee Primary Contact is set to Yes then the property is synced to

  • If Chargebee Billing Contact is set to Yes then the property is synced to

Chargebee Contract Information

Chargebee Primary Contact*

This property determines whether the contact is added as the primary contact of the customer record in Chargebee.

The possible values can be:

  • Yes: When marked Yes, the contact is immediately mapped to the Chargebee customer record that is mapped to the company. Any pre-existing mapping to another contact is removed for the customer. On each sync, the properties listed in the above rows are copied over to the mapped customer record in Chargebee.

  • No: When marked No, and when this contact is mapped to a Chargebee customer, then on each sync, the Chargebee customer fields listed in the above rows are cleared.

Chargebee Billing Contact*

This property determines whether the contact is added as the billing contact of the customer record in Chargebee.

The possible values can be:

  • Yes: When marked Yes, the contact is immediately mapped to the Chargebee customer record that is mapped to the company. Any pre-existing mapping to another contact is removed for the customer. On each sync, the properties listed in the above rows are copied over to the customer.billing_adress record in Chargebee.

  • No: When marked No, and when this contact is mapped to a Chargebee customer, then on each sync, the Chargebee customer.billing_address fields listed in the above rows are cleared.

Note: Chargebee does not permit all the fields of customer.billing_address to be cleared at once. Consequently, if the field listed above in this table are the only fields under customer.billing_address that are populated, then they are not cleared.

Chargebee Customer ID

  • If Chargebee Primary Contact is set to Yes then the property is synced to the 

  • If Chargebee Billing Contact is set to Yes then the property is synced to

Chargebee Site Name

Chargebee site name

Business Entity

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Auto Collection

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Billing Address

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Billing City

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:

Billy Country

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:

Billing State

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Billing Zip / Postal Code

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:

Customer MRR

Total MRR of all Subscriptions attached to a customer

Net Terms Days

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Subscription Currency Code

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Subscription ID

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:

Subscription MRR

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Subscription Plan Amount

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Subscription Plan ID

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Subscription Status


Total Amount Due

Total of invoice.amount_due for all invoices with status not_paid, payment_due, and pending attached to a customer

Total Amount Paid

Total of invoice.amount_paid for all invoices with status paid attached to a customer

Total Number of Invoices Due

Total count of all invoices with status not_paid, payment_due, and pending attached to a customer

Deal object field mapping 

The Deal object in HubSpot maps to the subscription object in Chargebee. The direction of data transfer is from HubSpot to Chargebee.

HubSpot Property Group

HubSpot Property

Field Mapping

Deal Information

Deal Name

Based on the preferences

Close Date

Based on the subscription type

Deal Activity


Based on the preferences

Deal Activity


Based on the preferences

Deal Revenue


Calculated based on the line items present at Hubspot

Chargebee Subscription Information

Count Of Due Invoices

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Due Since

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Subscription Status

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Remaining Billing Cycles

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Subscription MRR

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Total Amount Due

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Next Billing At

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Trial Start At

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Activated At

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Contract Start

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Contract End

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Contract Term Status

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Action at Term End

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Cancellation Cutoff Period

This property value is synced to the following attribute in Chargebee:


Chargebee Automation Trigger

Field to control automation between Chargebee and Hubspot. Values include Create or Edit Subscription and Generate Checkout Link

Chargebee Checkout Link

Populates with the Chargebee checkout link, when Chargebee Automation Trigger is set to the Checkout link

Deal Line Items object field mapping 

The Deal Line Item object in HubSpot maps to the subscription object in Chargebee. The direction of data transfer is from HubSpot to Chargebee.

HubSpot Property Group


HubSpot Property


Field Mapping



Start date

The date at which the subscription should start. This property is applicable only for line items for which Chargebee Product Type is Plan. The value is ignored for other line items.

  • At payment: The subscription starts immediately.

  • Custom: The subscription starts on the date/time specified.


This specifies the number of months the subscriptions should run before getting canceled automatically.

  • The default value is derived from the same property in the corresponding Product object.

  • Can be modified and must be set to a value that is a multiple of the Recurring billing frequency expressed in months. For example, if the value of Recurring billing frequency is every 3 months, then the value of this property can be 3, 6, 9, and so on.


Recurring billing frequency

This property is configured to the value of the same property in the Product object. You can change this value. At the time of creating a subscription or checkout link from the deal, the integration checks to see if a price point exists with this billing frequency in Chargebee. If such a price point does not exist, an error appears.


When Multi-Decimal Support is disabled, this property is synced to subscription.subscription_items.quantity and when enabled, it is synced to subscription.subscription_items.quantity_in_decimal.

Unit currency

This property is configured to the same value as the deal currency. If the deal currency is not configured, then the currency configured for the HubSpot account is used.

Unit price

When Multi-Decimal Support is disabled, this property is synced to subscription.subscription_items.unit_price and when enabled, it is synced to subscription.subscription_items.unit_price_in_decimal.


MRR is calculated by the Chargebee application and is available as subscription.mrr.

Chargebee Product Information*

Chargebee Billing Cycles*

The values are populated from the same properties in the Product object.

Product object field mapping 

The Product object in HubSpot maps to the item family, item, and item price objects in Chargebee. The direction of data transfer is from Chargebee to HubSpot.

HubSpot Property Group


HubSpot Property


Chargebee Field


Product Information




This property value is determined as the hyphen (-) separated concatenation of the following: + item_price.period + item_price.period_unit.




item.redirect_url (Applicable only when Chargebee Product Type is plan.)





When Multi-Decimal Support is disabled, this is obtained from item_price.price and when enabled, this is obtained from item_price.price_in_decimal and rounded to 2 decimal places.

Unit Price

When Multi-Decimal Support is disabled, this is obtained from item_price.price and when enabled, this is obtained from item_price.price_in_decimal and rounded to 2 decimal places. The item_price here is that for which item_price.currency_code corresponds to the default currency of the HubSpot account.

Recurring billing frequency

This is automatically derived from item_price.period and item_price.period.


Term (Months)


Chargebee Product Information*

Chargebee Billing Cycles*


Chargebee Product Family ID*

Chargebee Product ID*

Chargebee Product Type*


Chargebee Site Name*

Subdomain name of the Chargebee site to which the customer record belongs. Eg. acme-test for a TEST site or acme for a LIVE site.

Chargebee Subscription Type*

Indicates the billing period type for the subscription. Applicable only when Chargebee Product Type is plan. The possible values are:

  • Forever: Indicates that the subscription renews for an indefinite period.

  • Fixed: Indicates that the subscription renews for a fixed number of times before canceling.

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