Brand Kit

The key guidelines to the fundamentals of Chargebee’s visual identity.
Brand Guidelines Background Pattern


Chargebee's color palette serves as the foundation that ties it all together and sets the tone of our communications, suggesting maturing, modernity and confident growth.
Our primary colors should dominate in percentage when applying them, mainly for colored backgrounds. Our secondary and brightest colors help us to differentiate ourselves and highlight our personality and reinforce our brand as fresh and forward thinking. These colors are important to use in elements that we want to highlight, such as our wordmark, icon and lines of the system.

Primary Colors

Mature Blue
HEX #012A38
RGB 1, 42, 56
CMYK 96, 71, 54, 58
Confident Orange
HEX #FF3300
RGB 255, 51, 0
CMYK 0,92,100, 0
Brilliant Yellow
RGB 191, 249, 11
CMYK 30, 0, 100, 0
Light Orange
RGB 255, 82, 59
CMYK 0, 83, 80, 0

Secondary Colors

Clarity Ivory
RGB 224, 219, 198
CMYK 12, 10, 22, 0
Clarity White
RGB 239, 239, 239
CMYK 5, 3, 3, 0
Clarity Blue
RGB 162, 193, 196
CMYK 37, 13, 20, 0

Neutral Colors

Light Silver
RGB 211, 217, 220
CMYK 4, 1, 0, 14
Cadet Grey
HEX #92A1A8
RGB 146, 161, 168
CMYK 13, 4, 0, 34
Storm Cloud
HEX #4F6169
RGB 162, 193, 196
CMYK 17, 2, 0, 23

Background Colors

Background Option 1
Background Option 2
Background Option 3
Background Option 4
Background Option 5
Background Option 6
Background Option 7
Background Option 8
Background Option 9
Background Option 10
Background Option 11
Background Option 12
Use background and foreground colors only in these combinations and not in any other way.


Dont's 1
Don’t use yellow logo on blue background.
Dont's 2
Don’t use dark blue logo on bright orange
Dont's 3
Don’t use light logos on light backgrounds
Dont's 4
Don’t use bright logos on bright backgrounds



Sora, used for headers and titles has been chosen to communicate the unique essence of the brand. It is used to communicate with a clear message.


Inter is chosen to complement our primary font, and to contemporize our brand. This should be considered as our default choice for body copy.

Brand Kit

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