Chapter 3

Sell to local and global markets
with multiple currencies

Your customers are all humans who are unique, come from different geographies, and pay in local currencies. And they instinctively convert the price of a product into their native currency to see how much it is actually going to cost them.

Which is why, when you localize pricing for your global SaaS product, you eliminate the process of converting the price into their native currency (let's not forget the exchange rates bit) for buyers, and introduce familiarity at the very first touchpoint.

There are two ways of going about this:

  • Cosmetic Localization: Where you have a price in a base currency and convert it into various currencies.
  • True Localization: You quantify buyer personas sliced by geographies, and understand if pricing works differently in each market, and how. And then, price accordingly.

It's advisable to start with cosmetic localization and gradually move into optimizing for true localization.

How Can Chargebee Help?
Chargebee lets you configure Smart Routing Rules that automatically picks the payment gateway for specific payment methods, based on currencies. Here's how you do it

Setting up multiple currencies in Chargebee

Go into Settings → Multi-currency within the Chargebee Interface to set up your currencies. Choose your currency from 100+ currencies and get started with creating a plan.

The additional currencies that you've set up will appear for selection when you create your Plans/Addons/Coupons.

If you offer the same plan in various currencies, you need to create a plan for each of the currencies. This can be easily achieved using the 'Clone Plan' option.

To learn more about how multi-currency support works in Chargebee, here's our extensive documentation on setting up and managing your localized pricing within Chargebee.

When your business is growing too fast, too soon, you'll be treading along newer territories and come face-to-face with the added complexity of taxes and compliances. Chargebee helps you go global from day one - with global taxes, payment, and multi-language support. Learn more
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