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Streamline Your Self-serve SaaS
from Signup to Success

Scale confidently by setting your entire subscription workflow on autopilot.

For a Frictionless
Smooth out acquisition with best-in-class checkout experiences that you can infinitely iterate on.
Create upsell opportunities by offering upgrade options and addons right within your app.
Build frictionless customer workflows with easy trials, freemium plans, smart recovery, and lifecycle emails.
Scale across geographies by accepting multiple currencies and tax rules out of the box.
SaaS Checkout Page for Onboarding

Turn Every Visitor into
a Signup and Paid Customer

Give customers the subscription experience of a lifetime, right from the get-go. And follow through with a trial that lets you show-and-tell. Capture your customers when they are in the ultimate moment of truth - your signup page. And offer a checkout journey that drives them to convert.

Convert more at checkout with Chargebee Moments
Explore trial management
Give customers the choice of payment methods
Customer Portal for Better Engagement and Retention

"Self-serve" Shouldn't Mean
"Losing Touch With Customers"

When you onboard more customers in a day than you can count on two hands, it's easy to lose the "human touch". And soon, your support is flooded with a backlog of unanswered queries. Chargebee lets you enable customers to help themselves, with a customer portal right within your app. Continue your self-service experience for upgrades and payment management. Send contextual segmented emails throughout the customer's subscription lifecycle, and reduce your support overload drastically.

Segmented email notifications
Self-serve portals for customers
"Chargebee has easily contributed to a third of our conversions. They've truly helped us open up to the global market, and drastically reduced our development cycles."

Reduce Churn,
Recover More... and More!

Churn. That agonizing leak at the bottom of your self-serve funnel. You don't like it. Your finance team doesn't like it. And when your recovery process starts getting too aggressive, your payment provider doesn't like it either. Go beyond just preventing involuntary churn. Smart Dunning and Retry logic lets you maximize recovery without putting your subscription business "at-risk" with your payment provider. And when customers think about voluntarily churning, you can let them Pause instead of Cancelling with you altogether.

Recover failed payments with Smart Dunning

What's Country and Language Boundaries to a Self Serve Business?

Armies and football fields can have boundaries. Your SaaS business shouldn't. Reach your customers no matter which part of the world they're in. After all, if you could make a dent in your home turf, there's no reason to not grab the next bunch of customers on the other side of the pond. Accept multiple currencies, localize checkout pages and customer portals, and service subscribers anywhere, anytime. And automate your entire global tax management - right from Australian GST to US Sales Tax and the oh-so-painful EU-VAT.

Automate tax management for subscriptions at scale
Go to our guide on EU VAT for European SaaS

Scale your Self-Serve SaaS
by Automating Subscriptions.

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