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Keep Subscription Management Uncomplicated as You Scale

Get the flexibility to manage subscription problems you have today. And the ones that will creep up a year from now.

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at Scale
Discover new revenue potential and turn them into outcomes with endless options to experiment with pricing models.
Retain customers better with proactive engagement, self-service and churn management.
Get a unified view of all subscription and customer data in one place and engage with more context.
Create upsell opportunities through addon recommendations and product bundles.

Price the Way That
Makes Sense for Your Business

New revenue could be hiding behind untested pricing. Roll out new subscription plans rapidly with flexible billing frequencies. Whether you follow a flat-fee, pay-as-you-go or a completely customized pricing structure - Chargebee does it all.

"Flexibility around subscription types is probably the biggest win — Chargebee cut down time spent managing subscriptions by about 80% compared to our previous process."

Enable Sales and Marketing
to Acquire More

Run promotional campaigns without hitting operational hiccups, and measure their performance. Leverage the oldest trick in your marketing arsenal - gift subscriptions. Set up a smooth gifting workflow that converts even the recipient.

Explore discount and coupon management
Gift Subscriptions

Experiment with Trials to
Ramp up conversions

Trials can be the perfect way to make your product sell itself. Choose to add friction early in the cycle or widen your top-funnel acquisition with free and paid trials. Allow sales to keep conversations warm by extending trials when needed, and send trial ending emails to drive free-to-paid converts.

Find the right trial strategy for you

Navigate Customers Through
a Stellar Subscription Experience

Sign up customers with a secure zero-code checkout that's designed to convert. Let customers manage their subscription data themselves with a customizable customer portal. What's more — weave the look and feel of your brand consistently across each of these customer-facing elements.

Self-serve Portal

Get Visibility into Every Subscriber's Lifecycle

Automate the boring-yet-essential chunk of subscription lifecycle management like nudging trial users to the paid plan, collecting payment information, managing upgrade or downgrade billing adjustments, and subscription renewals. And save the human touch for things that matter.

Communicate better with email notifications
Simplify billing adjustments with proration

No matter how you handle subscriptions today, Chargebee can fit in with your existing tech stack and exemplify operational efficiency

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