
Payments Articles & FAQ

credit cards, Spreedly, Storage, vault stripe, Braintree, Stripe, safety, paypal, pci, dataportability








Where is the credit card stored for recurring transactions? Is it safe?

Where is the credit card stored for recurring transactions? Is it safe? 

This article also answers:

  • Does Chargebee wok as a card storage vault?
  • What is the card related information stored in Chargebee?
  • With which gateways does Chargebee support data portability?

If you're using Stripe or Braintree, the cards are stored with them. In case of, you can choose to store the cards either in Spreedly or the gateway's vault.

For all other gateways, we store them in Spreedly's PCI compliant card vault. We've integrated this way to ensure that the card portability is supported regardless of the gateway you use.

Note: Chargebee only stores minimum card details such as the IIN, last 4 digits, expiration date and the token generated by the vault, for identification purpose.

Here's a table listing the vault used and portability details for the gateways supported.



 Data Portability







 PayPal Payflow Pro



 PayPal Payments Pro








 Pin Payments






In addition to cards, Chargebee also supports other payment methods. Here's our document summarizing all the payment methods supported.

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